Dear hosts, we are eSIM company. We would like collaboration...
Dear hosts, we are eSIM company. We would like collaboration with your property .if you can provide eSIM for your guests it w...
We are staying in an AirBNB and the checkout time changed after the reservation was made, and I think in the last 2 days of our stay from 11AM to 10AM. Is this possible to do in the hosts side of the progam/website? Curious because if I had not checked we would have been overstaying.
I respect the need to deep clean the unit after each guest right now.
We had some other issues with this host including asking us to tip him 20% of the agreed upon rate on the side because he underpriced us. Airbnb customer support said asking for tips is ok because they are optional.
A host can change the checkout time on a listing, @Robert4792 , but it does not apply to the current reservation. What it was when you booked is what applies to you.
Go into the details of your itinerary to check to see what you agreed to. If it says 11 am, you technically get to stay until 11 am. But you're right -- the added cleaning protocols may be the problem, so if you can get out by 10 am, it will make things easier on the host.
I suppose a host can ask for a tip (sounds appalling to me), but you don't have to agree to it. As your checkout time stands, so does your cost.
Thanks for the quick reply. The itinerary email says 11AM, the current online itinerary one says 10AM. So will a change for the listing (the house) effect the online display of the checkout time online for my reservation? I swear it said 11AM yesterday.
@Robert4792 The host may have just changed the check-out time on his listing, but that shouldn't cause it to change on your itinerary. And what was in place when you booked is what the host has to honor, although he could always ask nicely if you might be able to check out earlier because of COVID cleaning protocols. Which you could agree to or not.
I have also read posts from hosts here who were upset because Airbnb had given the guest different check-in/check/out times than what the host has listed. So that does happen sometimes.
I also find it totally cringe-worthy for the host to have asked you for a tip. If he underpriced, that's his problem. And that's not the meaning of a tip, anyway. A tip is given, of the tipper's volition, to reward good service.
This host sounds less than professional in his dealings with guests.
Thank you for the reply. I saw those posts about people getting different check out times also before I posted. We plan on being out of here before 10AM so I don't have to interact with him.
The emailed itinerary and the one online right now have different times.
Because of the manipulation with the booking and then asking for a tip I'm not apt to give him the benefit of the doubt. We are trying to figure out a way to word this in a review that does not turn off future people from renting to us.
@Robert4792 I wouldn't worry about how you word the review - If I saw a guest had complained that another host had tried to increase the price they were paying by 20% post booking it wouldn't worry me at all. I think the only hosts it would worry are the minority who would do such a thing and I guess you wouldn't want to stay with them anyway.
Thank you for the reassurance. @Suzanne302 had some good feedback below on how to write it up. I think I will quote his message. My last concern is him saying we damaged something to get his money one way or another. We will be taking video/photos on the way out.
This guy obviously knows the software and AirBNB's policies incredibly well and how to use them in his favor.
I wrote a letter to the CEO about the "Tipping" policy since I don't think there is any other mechanism.
@Robert4792 Since the checkout time issue has already been addressed I will just add that the host requesting a 20% tip is atrocious.
Even though tips are allowed per Airbnb terms, the fact that he told you he gave you a lower price and wants a 20% tip in cash on the side means he was just trying to game the system and is just tacky.
As long as you stick to the facts in your review, I'm sure future hosts will not be turned off. Just as we advise fellow hosts, state the facts, but don't state how you feel about those facts.
ie, "This host requested a 20% tip after we booked" is better than, "We couldn't believe this host wanted us to give him a 20% tip. It was ridiculous!"
Sorry you're dealing with an unscrupulous host!
Thank you for the feedback. Writing is not my strong suit so that helps. I probably will cut and paste his sentence when he asks for his money under the table.
I Agree with the others here @Robert4792 , the checkout time you were given at the time of your booking is the one they must honor. But honor does not seem to be in your hosts vocabulary. It really only a tip if you offer it without prompting, if they ask, its a voluntary fee and I would volunteer to leave nothing but an empty TP roll in the bathroom as a parting gift. You have 14 days to consider your review, fair and balanced is all any of us can ask for or give, thats a tip I can offer that wont cost either of us a dime but will pay us back every time! Stay well, JR
Thank you. We are going to sit on it for the first week. I'm concerned since he is very adept at the policies that he is going to get his money "one way or another" and claim we damaged something. I think after the next people come in tomorrow he loses that ability.
We are vegetarians so we do use a lot of TP. We did replace what we used. We are in a very rural underserved area. That does not forgive his behavior but we also don't to sacrifice our commitment to do the right thing.
To everyone: If you want I can when we are not here, and the security deposit issue has resolved I can let you know what happened?
@Robert4792 , I was joking about the Toilet paper although your the one that is being generous for replacing it, maybe you should get the tip Robert! I wasn't joking about the tip, tips in all hospitality fields are to be earned never expected. They are earned due to hosts providing services that are exceptional not average or below (sounds like your host). Your host should not be holding a can out for his guests, he needs to price his place accordingly or find another business. Stay well, JR
@Robert4792 Yes, it's nice when someone posts about a bad or sticky situation, be it host or guest, when they come back and give a follow up on how it worked out. (Sometimes people post a question or ask for advice , 20 posters take the time to answer, and the original poster never even comes back to thank anyone for responding- kind of poor forum etiquette). And if you're unsure how to word a review, you can always post a draft here to see what others think.
I submitted the review. Thank you for all of your advice. Fortunately my girlfriend spent about 3 hours deep cleaning the place so all he said was that "It was left clean" He has so many positive glowing reviews I don't think it will matter much.
I've encountered the "Show a really low price, and then go "oops" it's really X price now a few times since then to drum up views. So it's obviously a AirBNB hack for the savvy host.
The house is well maintained, and has nice amenities. It is closely located to Windrock Park. After inquiring about the home, the price as listed was increased when a “Invitation to book” was sent. After accepting a non-refundable booking the host then asked us for an additional 20% cash payment: “I am asking you (in humility) to consider tipping us $100.” The check out time also changed from 11AM to 10AM in the last 24 hours of our stay.
@Robert4792 @Sarah977 @Suzanne302 @lawrene just chiming in late to say that I've had the same happen to me where a host WAS able to change the checkout time after booking. Like Robert, if I hadn't printed my itinerary I wouldn't have known it was possible.
Robert, sorry you got a dud of a host