I received this response from Airbnb support. The first ques...
I received this response from Airbnb support. The first question I asked was “ what advice are you giving hosts who have seen...
Our accommodation is in a rural setting. The farmer did some pretty smelly muck spreading on the same day as our guests arrived. It smelt bad in the air because of the wind direction but was not close by. The guests decided not to stay because of the air smell and would not even look at the accommodation (which did not smell) . The bad smell was temporary and had they have stayed it would not have been an issue. They are now requesting a full refund. I disagree because it is a country smell in a rural setting beyond our control and also I doubt I would get the room rebooked at such short notice.
Has anyone had a similar issue? Is there a way to issue a partial refund?
We want to be fair as we have given up our time and effort to prepare for these guests and feel their reason for cancelling is unreasonable. We have a moderate cancellation policy.
@Nicky182 sigh. Some people have no common sense.
I would probably try to come to an agreement with the guest as ABB will likely side with them if they file a claim. Maybe half back? Just apologize that they couldn't enjoy their time in your space and say you are refunding them half of their stay cost as a courtesy. Don't ask them if its okay-- just do the refund. Then if they run to ABB at least it looks like you tried to sort it out.
Sadly, you may also want to consider adding a line to your house rules or description stating that you are in an agricultural zone and periodically guests may experience rural realities like roosters crowing, animal and fertilizer scents, insects, etc. Try to cover as many possibilities as you can think of that a guest could use to demand a freebie. This is the only way ABB will possibly side with you-- if you have disclosed it in your listing and guests book anyway. Good luck!
Thank you for that.
Yes we have hens clucking next door and insects aplenty, most guests expect and actually like that.
I will definitely update the listing. They were harvesting last week, it got a bit dusty…
I was thinking of a partial refund but have no idea how to go about this as they have sent a request for full refund can you point me in the right direction?
@Nicky182 go to the reservation section, completed tab. Click on the three dots at the right. There should be a prompt that says "send or request money." Follow the instructions 🙂
@Nicky182 People can be so ridiculous. Personally, I would dig in my heels on this. Contact Airbnb and advise them the guest is requesting full refund for something that is not associated with your listing, nor under your control. Advise them that you wish for the cancellation policy that the guest agreed to at time of booking to be applied. Period. But, that's just me. I would rather Airbnb over rule me and take the lumps that way than hand a guest like that a dime, willingly.
@Laura2592 Is right about adding to your listing description/house rules what have you. You have to cover all bases, unfortunately.
Fight it, s**t happens. We have a name for our Big City guests... "Cityidiots".
I would rather smell the fragrances of nature than the stench of a city. (Bailed out 3 years ago)
Haha, @M199 Perfect answer, they forget also that cities were once An Animal Kingdom and Countryside free from annoying city pollutants.
On that note I'm off to see the Countryside animals in the city.