Cancellation policy

Level 1
Rogers, MN

Cancellation policy

Based on this policy:
Free cancellation for 48 hours
After that, cancel before 4:00 PM on Dec 1 and get a full refund, minus the first 30 days and the service fee.
Does that mean if I book a place today, can cancel on November 1st, I would loose the entire amount if I booked a place for say January 2021?
That is what I read in the above policy so I wanted to double check to see if I am interpreting it correctly.  Thanks for your help.
2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Steven1016 Yes you would lose the whole amount if you booked for 30 days.

Level 10
Copenhagen, Denmark

Yes, @Steven1016 long-term cancellation policy says that if you cancel a long-term stay after the 48 hour free cancellation period you will have to pay for the first 30 days of the stay.