Cancer is spreading faster than Covid

Level 10
Chicago, IL

Cancer is spreading faster than Covid

I know cancer is not a joke and I hope my post will not come off as insensitive. Almost daily now I get requests that mention terminal cancer. Either Airbnb algorithm is sending those people to me or this is a new trick guests are advised to use in some blog post on the web.  They are always asking for one exception to my rules or another and my answer is still no.

6 Replies 6
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Inna22  If it's almost daily I'd say your suspicion is correct- some viral blog. Maybe the bedbug scam is passé.


And it would be the scammers who are insensitive, not you for mentioning it.





@Sarah977 you are too funny. I should have posted this in host circle

Level 10
Florence, Canada

Do your terminal cancer patient inquirers require early check-in and late check-out, @Inna22 ?

Mine do. 

One needed to smoke. 

One needed a discount price because he would only be using the bed to nap during the day, not to sleep at night. 

Don't get any ideas, you blog readers! We heartless hosts say no!





@Lawrene0 smoking and unregistered visitors seems to be the theme for mine. I am sure early check-in and late checkout would have been next if they booked

Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia

@Inna22 @Lawrene0  

What do they want to smoke?  Do they need to smoke ganja as part of their treatment plan?  

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center

@Debra300 One mentioned that specifically and the rest used the term smoking. I don’t think it makes any difference. You can still step outside or use edibles