Categories _ Summer Release

Categories _ Summer Release

The worse nightmare ever for hosts!!!

from 97% occupancy to ZERO!! Nothing

20 Replies 20

"On a positive news - my website I build when airbnb bookings stopped coming in after only 1 month of uptime gave me two bookings total 17 days"

And bookign #3 is in. And this is only after being listed on Google Business.

Bing Business approval is coming up soon.


P.S. VRBO is a dead as ABNB

Level 10
New South Wales, Australia

The really frustrating thing to me is that my property is a unique listing.  It's very different to other comparable properties in Sydney but I can't make Airbnb's algorithm recognise it as such.

As a desperate attempt to coax some attention from the algorithm I've now resorted to including the cringeworthy portmanteau 'insta-worthy' in the title of one of my offshoot listings.  Let's see if that does the trick.

Does this look like a generic, urban apartment to you?



Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

Sorry to hear that this is happening. I wasn't sure what to expect with our first winter but July was very good for us.  (although i'm not looking forward to seeing my electricity bills). I did notice a massive change in cancellations, and have now switched to using pencil on my booking calendar. I also have printed business cards with a discount offer for direct bookings should guests wish to return. 

@Mark-and-Gabriela0  we have the same response as @Gillian166 but I kept the 6 months opening but manually blocked off 3 months and have slowly released each month which I think has made a difference as my viewings were up on last year's. We have only been open for 18months and with covid lockdowns last year we are definitely up. As @Gillian166  has said awaiting our electricity bill to arrive but we did install more solar panels but with all this rain not sure if it will help. 

Like @Gillian166 I had business cards made as well from the beginning to say thank you with my details 

and it has paid dividends with rebooking and some referrals from their friends. 

We did have cancellation but it was because of floods and rain.


Just as ABNB does not have "Sort by Price" or "SOrt by distance from search location" - it, when searched for specific area does not show "closest to today dates", but pops up random dates for random listing - it does not mean that these are "the closest available dates" - they just try to spread bookign evenly. As well as the PRice for displayed time period instead of whay host would expect would be lowest OR REAL price is the price of the last day of random period displayed. 

So, if hosts is unlucky enough to have openings in let say  October with going price $70 and ABNB rndomly displays festive period around Christmas - guests, without paying attention to dates, will see $150 and move on.


It is a win-win for ABNB and lose-lose for hosts.

Loyalty is overrated.

@David8879 I don't have the pricing on and have manually set my own rate - price when I check each month and the recommended price suggest higher and I increase mine but I never lower the price to what they suggest. I have put the Christmas and New year rate a lot higher this year and the bookings have been filled. I also put minimum of 3 nights over this period and they have extended to 4 and 5 nights.