Illegal business activities

Illegal business activities

I regard it as a first step tgat airbnb can ve declared illegal. Obviously, the enterprise has little idealism and the hosts are primarily interested in making money regardless of either the general situation for living or the individual situation of the guest. 

The algorithms are inflexible and in this sense heartless.  Overall, I see it as poor Performance after I have tried it. 

5 Replies 5
Level 10


leider ist Dein Text etwas vage, Du kannst hier auch auf deutsch schreiben.


"hosts are primarily interested in making money regardless of either the general situation for living or the individual situation of the guest."


Ja, das dürfte aber bei den meisten Vermietungen so sein, sonst fehlt irgendwo der Sinn so etwas zu tun.

Von Idealismus alleine kann keiner leben.

Was daran illegal sein soll verstehe ich aber nicht....

Community Manager
Community Manager



I moved this post to the English speaking CC now. Thanks to you two, @Sabine-Ingrid0 and @Gabi37, for trying to help so quickly.

Ich habe das Thema ins englischsprachige CC verschoben. Danke euch beiden, Sabine und Gabi, dass ihr gleich eingesprungen seid, um bei dem Thema zu helfen.



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Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Nina1347 do you have a specific issue/point to make?

Yes. That hosting of any kind should from my perspective serve the need of finding a place to stay first rather than securing a specific way of payment. Of course, an adequate payment is required. BUT to make PayPal payments possible only with credit card or generally reject cash payments does not serve ensurung supply for basic needs. (Article 25 UN declaration of human rights)