What are other folks doing about this devastating developmen...
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What are other folks doing about this devastating development. I don’t want to support DOGE but leaving Airbnb will be a hard...
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Currently the review system is subject to abuse by guests. Airbnb has partially addressed the issue by permitting the removal of negative reviews that are a result of a guests’ anger with being held accountable for violating the no-party policy.
However, something needs to be done about guests leaving untruthful and/or bad reviews for unreasonable reasons. There are some people whom you just cannot please. I had a guest who was angry because I could not accommodate her early check-in request and so she proceeded to leave me a 1-star review for that…yes, in the review she complained about not being able to check in early.
She went looking for things to complain about and left a 1 star review claiming I was not accommodating and the place was not clean after I had nothing but 5 stars for cleanliness. She mentioned popcorn and candy under a couch which was untrue and said that under the kitchen sink cabinet where cleaning products are stored - it was unclean.
Now everyone knows that under a kitchen sink where trash bags, and cleaning supplies are stored is not where you apply the white glove standard, but even if you want to complain about that, is that a 1-star offense? As far as popcorn and candy under the couch – 1 is was not true, but – 2 with the type of couch that I have she would have had to either taken the time and effort to move the couch or she would have had to have gotten down on her knees and put her face just about flush to the floor to see it. So essentially, she was trying her best to find something wrong – all because I informed her that we would not be able to allow her to check-in early – and she showed up early anyway before we could put the finishing touches on the house! She didn’t say the bathroom was dirty or the kitchen or any of the bedrooms – but under the kitchen sink where trash bags and cleaning supplies are stored, and under a couch…c’mon!
She wrote this 1-star review after I had asked her on the day of check-in if there were any issues with the house and she did not respond with any. She also complained about the grass being cut while she was there. I mean really?!? Had I not had the grass cut she would have complained about the grass being too high! The grass is cut on a schedule by my lawn maintenance person. Any reasonable person could clearly see that the guest was abusing the review system.
This business is not like the big hotels who host thousands of guests per year. A 1-star review from one customer doesn't have the potential to sink such a big business. However, most Airbnb hosting is done as part of a small business and so 1 bad review could sink an Airbnb business - particularly a new one.
Airbnb does not do anything to protect the hosts from untruthful reviews or reviews that are a result of guests' unreasonableness. We should be able to appeal reviews especially when they are so far out of alignment with typical reviews for a given host. I’d had a ton of 5 star reviews for various listings. I am a Superhost, which is kind of hard to maintain. The listing I am referencing in this case only had a few reviews, but they were all 5 star reviews. However, when you only have a handful of reviews on a listing and then someone writes you a 1 star review across the board well then you are then at a 4 star rating for your listing and it will take you a while to recover from that.
Given how sensitive this business is to reviews, good and bad reviews need to be legitimate and Airbnb is not doing enough to make sure that they are. Regarding truthfulness of reviews Airbnb’s policy simply says that we are on the honor system pretty much. They say they expect guests to stand by the truthfulness of their review. Well there are a ton of dishonest people out there.
I think that certain criteria need to be met to warrant a 1- or 2-star review such as issues with safety and health hazards.
I think that any rating below 3 stars should require evidence just like hosts have to provide evidence when we claim damage. A 1- or 2-star rating should not be purely an emotional response. It takes a long time to recover from a 1- or 2-star review. Also, Airbnb needs a mechanism to address complaints that are clearly unreasonable. Yes, every situation in determining what is reasonable will be a judgement call, but Airbnb could start with some criteria to go by and at least have the mechanism in place to make that judgment call – and it should not be purely left to some formula – there should be room for not only a formula based on certain criteria, but for also human discernment.
AirBnb needs to fix this.
I had a review call me a RACIST KAREN (I’m a first generation with foreign parents and my Husband and 27 yr old child, are people of color by the way) the review also told a blatant lie that I had video surveillance INSIDE my unit! Airbnb said this doesn’t go against review standards!!!!! This is criminal, slander, defamation of character, and lying saying we are committing a crime by putting video surveillance INSIDE of or property. Just how far will Airbnb go with letting disgruntled guests go with abusive revenge reviews? This guest did over $1000 in damages to our property and once the request for her to pay was sent to her, the review from her came shortly after. These are reasons why a lot of Hosts prefer to not even write reviews for bad guests because retaliation reviews are soooo hard to get removed and one guest can dismantle all of the great lengths Hosts like ourselves pride ourselves on to be great Airbnb business partners...I’m sure many other hosts don’t feel we are protected by our business partner, Airbnb when it comes to review standards.
Pls note that I didn't come her to criticize You, I will just tell You what happened in the past 3 minutes.
I expanded the Review Your guest left You and started reading. The review starts with
When I read these few words it was immediately clear to me, that the entire review will be a complete nonsese from A to Z and really not worth reading, bc people who have nothing to complain about always play the racist card.
The review is very long and I started reading. It's about the guest not feeling being welcomed, didn't have no wifi on the plane, a big box of clothes was sent to the place from NY or I don't know where, the big box didn't fit through the entrance, the host came down to discuss what's going on blah blah blah. Nothing substantial in the first 3500 words. Half way through I gave up reading bc I thought it was all just ridiculous.
Then I expanded Your response. Your response is even longer than Your guests review. Actually I was shocked by the length of that document. The lenght of Your review response discouraged me to even start reading, so I have no idea what You said.
As I said, I did not come here to criticize You. How could I, I have no idea what You wrote. I only came her to tell You what happened in the past 3 minutes in Germany.
Thank you for responding! I agree the response was drawn out but we were directed to give a thorough response to her review as it wouldn’t be taken down...so confusing on how to handle this type of situation!
I understand, but noone will read all that. You must realize that most people in the year 2021 are unable to read textlenghts that exceed the display capacity of a smartphone.
I'm not criticizing You, that's not Your fault. The world has changed, people have changed. Look at Twitter: Maximum text lenght 280 characters, that's about 60 words. That's the attention span of people nowadays. Everything You wrote may be very important, but people today just don't have the energy anymore to read it.
Totally get it!
I had this happen to me too. The guest left me multiple messages threatening violence and Airbnb removed those messages even after I reported the violent messages. This horrible guest is STILL allowed to book through Airbnb. I pray for hosts that have these guests! Airbnb did NOTHING to protect me; instead, they penalized me and deactivated my listing WITHOUT telling me!!
Myself, I wouldn't respond to this 2-page ridiculous review. No paragraphs, difficult to read-not worth y time. I tend to dismiss reviews like this.
I would never give anyone the satisfaction of such a long response. It comes across a little bit "extra". Keep your responses short and simple. 🙂
This has been an issue from the start. Guests can rate you all 5s on individual criteria, and they get to rate you overall manually whatever, and that is what sticks, and it is what they use to determine Superhost status. If this is not fixed, and if another platform does it better, AirBnB will regret not listening to their hosts on this.
Airbnb better beware; VRBO and other listing platforms are taking over.
Hi, I am late comin to this post but the issue of "unfair" reviews (AIRBNBs definition) is a serious issue. A simple fix forthe star rating is to ignore the highest and lowest score for the period being reviewed and averaging the rest. This will eliminate the uncharacteristically high or low scores.
An example; I get star rating of 1,3,3,3,3,5; ignoring the 1 and 5 gives me an average of three which is an accurate indcator of my standard. If I get 1,1,3,3,3,5 then the average is (1+3+3+3)/4=2.5 which is again a more reliable indicator of performance. This is a valid statistical technique which I have suggeted to Air BnB but which they have not implimented.