
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Check in override by guests

Level 2
Kaštela, Croatia

Check in override by guests

Hi all, 

I have specified check in time from 14:00 till 02:00 next day. Check out is by 10:00 and guests can book same day till 22:00.Again I have a reservation and in reservation details guest have selected Check-in time 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM. I dont see the point of haveing specific check in time frame if guests can override it. I have already contacted 2 airbnb cs which gave me the same c/p answer how to set what i already have set. Anyone has a solution how to fix this?


12 Replies 12
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Hrvoje5  Guests can't override or demand a differnt check-in time. They can fill out an area requesting a different check-in time, but it says it has to be approved by the host. Guests ignore that part. 

If you can't accommodate the check-in time the guest has entered, message them to make that clear.


And also check your settings. There have been several reports here of hosts' check-in times showing as "flexible", when the host has not changed the setting themselves.

Level 2
Kaštela, Croatia

It clearly stated their check in time was 11:00-13:00. First thing i did was to check my settings. I will send you screenshots soon and you let me know what you think of it


sorry cant upload screenshot but here's c/p of guests reservation details:

Check-in time
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Fri, Mar 12, 2021
Booking date
Sat, Mar 6, 2021
and my settings:
Check-in window
2:00 PM - 2:00 AM (next day)
Checkout time
10:00 AM
Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@Hrvoje5 With short notice bookings, guests are given the option to select a different check in time, but it is subject to approval by the host. 



@Colleen253  So do you know how this request for a different check-in time is presented to the host? Does the host supposedly receive a notification of the request, or is the host simply expected to notice the wrong check-in time on the reservation and initiate a message to the guest?


II have not received notification of any kind. You need to check reservation details to be aware of this

@Sarah977 I don’t know, as I don’t take short notice bookings. It seems notification is definitely lacking, as @Hrvoje5 indicates. Also given the fact that there are other posts on the forum about this issue. Will be interesting to hear what @Hrvoje5  is told, when he reports back after talking  to support.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Hrvoje5  The guest has just filled the place where they can request a different check-in time and thinks that entitles them to check-in then. 

As I said, I'd just send them a message letting them know that while they can request a check-in time outside the one stated in the listing, they shouldn't assume that it can be accommodated, and in fact you can't accommodate it. That they need to give you a check-in time within the time frame stated on the listing, i.e. after 2PM.


And maybe contact Airbnb to say the reservation states a check-in time not in line with your settings and ask why this was allowed. If they try to quote you useless info about how to set your check-in window, tell them your setting is correct and that is not the issue.

@Colleen253 @Sarah977

Thank you for clearing this up. I have checked my messages with airbnb again and i was talking to community support team and not customer support team. It seams only way to handle this is by comunicating with the guests. I need to contact customer support about a different thing and i will bring this up and post their answer. Thanks again! 

Level 10
Savannah, GA

I have sent feedback about this dozens of times and emailed it including screen shots to any reps I can get my hands on. This is a serious design flaw and the problem is that they can feel they are DECLARING the arrival time despite it conflicting totally with what you posted. Sure you can write back and say hey no way, you have to stick to my posted times. But WHY would they set us up to take something away from the guest that we never gave them in the first place? I have complained about this for literally 2 years or more. Nothing has changed. Maybe not many hosts get the short notice people in volume, or are unlucky enough to have many who choose to declare morning arrivals. It sucks. It needs to change. BTW, booking dot com (which I do not love either) has a way for guests to request an earlier window and for the "host" aka owner or manager to accept with charges (you get to specify the charge) or decline, or accept for free. Cool features like that never made their way into Airbnb for some reason. Probably because the money goes only to the home owner not to the platform.