Checking that guests have had the Covid19 vaccination

Level 10
Feltham, United Kingdom

Checking that guests have had the Covid19 vaccination

It looks like there will be a few workable vaccines within the next few months. Yay!  Have you thought about asking if future guests have had the vaccine, so you know that you and co-guests will be safe? Will you insist they've been jabbed before they come? Is there a way for them to prove they've been vaccinated (certificate etc)?  Is it necessary for all your guests to have had the vaccine, if you're not sharing a space?  Should there be a centralised Airbnb certificate for this (like getting verified)? Your thoughts & opinions please! 


70 Replies 70
Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

I'm aware that recent publicity from the UK government is now saying that the vaccine does not stop you catching it, nor spreading it, but that it works by preventing the vaccinated person from getting Covid as badly as they would have done without the vaccine.


- So with that in mind, the issue of whether hosts & guests can demand vaccination of the other party, or enquire as to vax status, is less of a relevant question..... 


Personally, I think Airbnb users SHOULD be within their rights to ask any question they like of a person they are going to share a house with (in the case of homeshare hosts.) But if being vaccinated means you can still pass it on, then there's not much point in asking, is there??


@Marit-Anne0 @Bryan10 @Helen3 @Dimitar27 @Christine2786 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

No that is not what our government/NHS is saying @Helen350 .


We have said at this stage we do not know how long the vaccines offer protection for AND we don't know whether or not having the vaccine means you can pass the virus on or not. 

We will know more once it's been in place longer than a month or so. 

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

I disagree @Helen3 . The vaccines offer protection by  boosting the body's own protection, so that infected people get it in a milder form. That is why the government says that vaccinated people will still have to wear the pointless masks & social distance.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Hello @Helen350 


As you know I work for our NHS on Covid programmes so have some understanding of how the vaccines work.


of course you can disagree with government and NHS guidance but it doesn't stop it from being true


Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Helen3 I was not disagreeing with the government, nor with you, I thought we were saying exactly the same thing! - And I got my info from from gov. chap on the telly! And! (Which I've read time & time again!)

Level 10
Feltham, United Kingdom

As of this weekend, over 14 million people have had the vaccine in the UK (around 20% of our population).  I think it's good going but we're not at the stage of herd immunity yet. There's talk of easing restrictions in about 3 weeks, and we have warmer weather on the way.  I think this means people will want to be out and about more. It's time to add "certificated vaccinated guests only" to my house rules, ready to receive guests again. 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

You cannot ask for this @Bryan10   any more than a guest can ask you or anyone who visits you to provide proof of  having had both Covid vaccinations. 

In any case it won't be until the summer that the  vast majority of the uk  travelling public will have been vaccinated. 

Level 7
Denver, CO

Absolutely NOT. Medical freedom is more important than ever. Will you also be asking your guests if they have been taking their Zinc & Vitamin D, avoiding sugar & getting enough rest to ensure their immune systems are tip top and ready to fight a virus? As a frontline RN I implore people to understand that the vaccine does NOT prevent transmission and does NOT prevent the SARS-COV2 virus from infecting you. The only clinical information we well know is that the vaccine can aid in reducing the severity of disease  symptoms in SARS-COV2 infected individuals. If you believe that your vaccinated guests will be COVID free and 'safer' to host you are incorrect. Someone who is vaccinated is even more likely to go into public and unknowingly transmit the disease as their symptoms have been muted thanks to the vaccine. Discriminating based on vaccination status is a big NO if we want to maintain our humanity and our freedoms. 

Level 2
Frederick, MD

What are the legal ramifications for requiring guests be vaccinated? Does this violate HIPPA? 

Level 8
Massachusetts, United States

@Laurie532  I do believe it is. However, it seems all rights have been thrown out the window at this point. It would be a sad day when Airbnb would require proof of vaccination in addition to government ID

Level 10

NO!!! Im not getting a rushed Vaccine, and Im not asking guests for a Vaccine Card. Im not going to ask guests what religion they are and im not going to ask them if they are Vegetarians, Vegans or Carnivores since I dont eat meat and they could pass mad cow disease to me.