Im originally from the Bay Area California, now a resident o...
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Im originally from the Bay Area California, now a resident of New Orleans..and loving it herethis is my first experience with...
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I recently stayed in Idanha, Oregon USA for a week during independence day. Had my family come for a get together at the bnb I was staying, and my kids brought me rat poison they found from around the place, not disclosed in bnb info. These traps were set all over the house hidden and in areas unable to see from "walk arounds". I contacted air bnb and they said that there's nothing they can do after 72 hours. I didnt know it was there until after 72 hours. I have since then been contacted by multiple bnb people but with no answers. I have uploaded pictures/ proof and have every intention to seek further legal action if my payment for this is not fully refunded. Having a family with multiple upset parents about this will clean up this mess. Don't mess with parents I suppose.
If anyone else has had trouble with bnb support or refunds for safety concerns feel free to contact me and you can join in on moving forward.
Yes we all agree on that if it's true. He has now admitted that it didn't actually say on the packaging it was poison.
so the OP could have caused this poor host to lose their livelihood for nothing by getting them suspended.
@Mike2715 were you allowed under the listing terms to bring people who weren't on the booking into the listing for a party?
Yes the host shouldn't put down traps with poison without notifying guests but I can't understand on what basis you feel you should have had a full weeks stay, brought additional family members onto the listing for a party and then demand a refund.
Did you actually speak to the host about the issue and ask them to arrange for the traps to be removed?
@Helen3 I put in the description of my reasons for stay was a family get together.
My stay was approved after such reasons were put.
Like I said earlier. Contacting a host that would break conduct to harm the consumer/ renter in negligence isn't something I feel comfortable with. Contacting bnb directly is the only approach to take when this type of safety concern arises.
Also like I said. If something had happened the debate wouldnt even be here. It would be someone, IT WOULD BE A PERSON HARMED, it would be a death. And then everyone would be turned and checking their own rental properties and managers to make sure they were in compliance.
People must feel protected while using these services, if not then they shouldn't be around. You want to make money by listing properties? Fine. Follow the rules before telling the consumers to. There are no exceptions.
It continues to humor me that these comments are here saying a refund isn't in order but if something did happen and these children weren't under such good supervision, the reprocussions would be devastating.
Health and safety must be something no one with listings here are concerned with. Wild.
@Mike2715 If one of the paid and registered guests had been harmed during the stay, the recourse would have been a claim on Airbnb's liability insurance - not a free stay. (Had unregistered visitors been present, the claim would be null and void)
It's clear that you don't have any worthwhile legal representation here, because even a two-bit strip mall attorney would have advised you not to be discrediting and embarrassing yourself on a public forum in relation to your case. There's one type of guest who jumps quickly to flinging around empty threats of legal action to get money. Those people are invariably scammers.
The more you rant about your issue, the clearer it is that you aren't acting in good faith here. I suspect that you booked this stay with every intention of trying to con your way out of paying for it. Your outrage at an alleged safety hazard that magically appeared well after you'd been making extensive use of the property is incredibly disingenuous. If you'd simply wanted to leave the home because you no longer felt safe there, and wanted a refund for the unused days, I think you'd get a lot of support here. But you've way overplayed your hand, and it's truly disgraceful.
I hope your children haven't been witnesses to this appalling behavior. They deserve better.
@Anonymous Thus why the host has been suspended, penalized, and my refund is on its way.
Good day.
@Anonymous How embarrassing. The only cons here are people who don't treat things with people's safety and regard as #1.
You never asked for leading evidence as my strip mall attorney did. Guess that's why you're not giving legal advice and thank you for all your hard work typing opinions. You warrior, you. Congrats.
@Mike2715 I guess sometimes the squeaky butt plug gets the lube, but at the end of the day it's still just a butt plug.
@Anonymous Charming.
@Mike2715 We hosts already know that Airbnb always sides with the guests, that is why so many have all kinds of strategies for not hosting high risk guests.
Stellar Airbnb hosts with hundreds of 5* reviews can get suspended by Airbnb because of a single erroneous claim by one single guest with a grudge like you. That does not signify that the guest is in the right and the host is in the wrong.
Your host's other guests don't seem to be of the same opinion as you that the listing is 'creepy' and only suitable for the Adams Family. You are the one that sticks out like a sore thumb here.
I have to agree with @Anonymous that it seems very likely that you are just scamming for a free stay. Lucky you to have gotten away with it, but don't expect all round sympathy to boot.
You did not feel comfortable contacting the host about the issues and giving them a chance to resolve them? Well, boo hoo. You keep banging on about how hosts should follow the rules. Well, the Airbnb rules also state that you are supposed to report the issue to the host asap and allow them the chance to deal with it, so you didn't follow the rules yourself at all, but can make excuses for it because you felt 'uncomfortable'.
Meanwhile, you don't seem to feel at all uncomfortable bad mouthing this host in the review nor complaining about it on this forum.
I smell a rat, but clearly one that the rat poison wasn't able to deal with...
@Huma0 I have stays with bnb that more than prove I am no liar. One stay out of my extensive history with bnb makes your claims humorously foul.
@Mike2715 You have three reviews including one from the listing you got suspended, I would hardly call that an 'extensive history' unless maybe you are one of those guests who don't leave reviews.
You have three reviews, one of which is for someone called Emily, so I assume you were an additional guest on that booking?
Meanwhile, the host you complain of is a Superhost with 20,062 reviews. Sure, all of those mostly very satisfied guest are wrong and 'humorously foul' or whatever... I'm not saying that it's only about numbers, but your above comment shows how out of touch with reality you are.
To be honest, for me it's not really anything to do with the reviews but rather the way you have revealed yourself on this thread that would make me avoid you as a guest. You don't seem to feel at all uncomfortable stating your opinion so I find it disingenuous when the only excuse you have given for not contacting the host about your concerns that you were 'uncomfortable' doing so and went straight to Airbnb CS to ask for a refund at the END of your stay.
Or, perhaps you are one of those people who find it hard to communicate to people in real life but like to mouth off on the internet. I don't know.
Whichever it is, it's not a good look. Sorry.