Hello, I'm Patty and I live in Florida. Today I got a booki...
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Hello, I'm Patty and I live in Florida. Today I got a booking for 1 guest for 3 nights but when they arrived, it was 2 peopl...
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I wonder if anyone has had the same problem as mine with Luckey in Montpellier, France. Having checked a few appartment managing agencies among which was Luckey I finally decided to sign a contract for renting my own appartment with another agency. Surprisingly enough during the time of my hesitation which agency to choose Luckey took over my Airbnb account and now has full access to my personal data, finances, calendar, etc and is presented as my co-host. I`ve been trying to sort this problem out for over two months now calling with both Airbnb and Luckey with no outcome. I literally contact the Airbnb call centre every day and each time need to explain the problem from the beginning. It takes ages and I am really tired of the situation. Luckey in Montpellier does not answer any calls but this is the normal way of working, they are inaccessable at all.
How is it possible that Airbnb passes our personal data to someone without our consent and any contract signed whatsoever?
Can anyone help?
Hi @Beata77 hope you’re doing well.
Oh dear this sounds very messy.
I’m assuming that you’ve already tried removing Luckey as a co-host from your account yourself, or do you no longer have access to your account?
Luckey is wholly owned by Airbnb, so I suppose it’s easy for them share data etc but surely not without permission, it all sounds very strange.
Hi Beata ... I seem to have fallen into the same UN LUCKEY trap ... did you find a way around this. I cannot seem to get access to my listing to make any changes
Hi Mickael5879,
sorry to disappoint you but I finally had given up and opened a new airbnb offer without Luckey on my back. Comments are lost and I`m starting from scratch this summer... I wanted to make sure there won`t be no mess in finances leading to possible misunderstanding with Luckey.
Hi Good to know I am not sure how I now get out of this mess ... Je dois trouver un autre entrepris managment a MPL
My Luckey listing has never been used. So I guess I can create a new listing without Luckey and without having to recreate a new Airbnb account ? ... Pas besoin de créer une nouveau compte airbnb ?
Yes. Set up a new, the same ad and close the old one. To your guests it won`t make the difference but you`ll have full access to the new one.
Are Luckey taking actual bookings through your accounts?
Are you getting paid?
If so is their 20% fee on top of the Airbnb guest and host service fees?
Do either of you have an update on any responses you’ve gotten from Airbnb or Luckey about this situation? Or are they both ignoring you?
I think they may be looking at this thread as someone just got back to me from the Luckey Paris office but no word from local Montpellier office. Despite numerous updates on my Airbnb Support message
I got a call from a very irate Airbnb person from UK number saying I had accepted a booking and was guilty of cancelling it But it was Luckey that had accepted the booking and made my listing live without clearing anything by me first. I categorically said i didn't want bookings till August Eventually the customer himself cancelled but the Airbnb person said I was liable for the cancellation fee etc ... ??
I have only just created my listing. This is all very unpleasant experience for my first hosting
Think i will try and do most management myself until i hear better things about Luckey