To say that i would be disappointed if Joe Gebbia remains wi...
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To say that i would be disappointed if Joe Gebbia remains with the board and gets involved in DOGE would be an understatement...
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Hello everyone,
Sorry I am a little later posting this than normal. Thanks to those of you who attended our social last Friday, as always it was amazing to see you. I think during this hard time across the world, it's so important to surround yourself with joyful things, like seeing so many of you face-to-face on our weekly catch-up. 🙂
The theme last week was 'items in your home that are personal to you' and the amazing array of different things shown was really fantastic and the stories that went with them even more so. As I did the previous week, I thought it would be nice to have a dedicated topic to discuss this further, so I will share that soon.
The next week is upon us–thank you to those who confirmed the new time/date.
Here are the details for the social:
Thursday May 7th, 10PM UK*
- Europe, Thursday May 7th, 11PM
- New York, Thursday May 7th, 5PM
- Sydney, Friday May 8th, 7AM
- Darwin, Friday May 8th, 6:30AM
If you would like to join, please register before the start time using this specific link:
For anyone new to the socials, it's a weekly online meetup where CC members come together to connect with each other and have a bit of positivity along the way. It's not specifically Airbnb focused and anyone new is very very welcome.
Theme of discussion: next is line from our pot of great suggestions is from Clara (thank you):
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Stay safe and healthy.
Thank you all,
@Cathie19, @Lawrene0, @Robin4, @Melodie-And-John0, @Clara116, @Christine615, @Jessica-and-Henry0, @Ann72, @Kimberly29, @Roberta2, @Stephanie, @Quincy, @Gordon0, @Sandra126, @Helen3,, @Helen350, @Yvonne609 , @Manasui0, @Kemi9, @Marissa107, @Wave-Autumn-Vine0, @Helen3
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
You can join @Helen427 - you don't have to have your camera on if you don't fancy it! But I would like to see Zara 🙂
hello Stephanie love Zara
Enjoy @Suzanne302 @Lizzie @Stephanie @Garrett48 and everyone-else
Love Zara the very mischievous Jack Russell - funny what one finds on one's walkies that one can make good use of. The Hawaiian skirt was in someone's dumpster bin & was too good to leave behind...let's say there's some funny videos of Zara wearing it too however they might get her owner in trouble if they surfaced online as they were taken elsewhere 🙂
I've been given strict instructions to never send a copy to her work address to give you an idea as to why not!
haha @Helen427.
Well you could have two of those, but you might also want to spread you options a little further...maybe a fishing net as well!
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
haha @Lizzie
It's observed you haven't said how long you will all be staying on a deserted island!!
I fished with my hands recently & picked up a piece of loose seaweed on the beach which was full of amazing tiny weeny fish & sea life.
Next time you see some seaweed have a look....the same applies to all of you participating in this social gathering. There's quite a population thriving out there in the shallow waters.
New Zealand are going to win the next America's Cup...We are pretty sure it was one of there vessels having a practice out on the ocean when we have been swimming here during the week...between some of islands.
At the moment, "It's so clear that we can see all the way from New Zealand to Europe. Thank you China & Professor Neil Fergusson & associates..." I look forward to seeing & traveling the world, tourists visiting others islands, friends, family again so we can all survive economically & live our lives.
@StephanieWe haven't seen Zara in the flesh recently but have seen lots of funny photographs, some of which I'm unable to post as she pushes boundaries where so goes 👼, hush, don't tell our dog enforcement officers, or her owner's boss!!
Meanwhile you might have to be satisfied to see her in my previous contributions in here in the Festival of Celebration.
She also pops up in a video online from when Prince Charles was here in November on the Clarence House Twitter account - you can see her perched on a barrel in the background behind him in the 1st picture of the video of his visit where he's talking to Navy personal . Fortunately for me a lady in a green dress obstructed the view of me, tee hee!
"That jolly darn dog just keeps on popping up everywhere".
Hey @Suzanne302 & others of you who are going on to your desert island ⛳🎄🎍🐾👣🏄🚣🏊🤽🎨🖼👙👓🕶🎣🎻🎺🎸🎷🥁📯🏝 We here in CC look forward to seeing your dogs & pets with you when your gorgeous faces turn up after your social gathering.
I'm sure many of you will take your dogs with you to a deserted island , will you???
I'm likely to be off shore swimming in the sea as you are meeting up!!
I hope you have all been to the beach & are still swimming & fishing within your limits as our nationwide lockdown of all people in New Zealand is before the Courts of Law for a Judicial Review as to the legality of the situation we find ourselves in. Maybe you can read New Zealand news & follow the case as it unfolds and if successful do the same in your islands...I know many of you are sick of it all to so use your net to fish 🐟 your authorities in.
Enjoy your dreamy visit to a deserted island, find out which countries jurisdiction it's under, if any, & lavish it!!
See you all soon, back travelling from one island to another.
I'm always late to the party but yes, my dog would be the first thing I'd choose! I'll have to mark my calendar in order to not miss the next one....Thursday or Friday of next week??
@Suzanne302 Friday I reckon. We had it yesterday because it is VE day here in UK!
Hmmm, tough question... can only take two things:
I think I'd probably take @Susan17 and Brian Chesky... for the laugh, like.
Well it's nice to have company @Garrett48! 🙂
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
@Clara116 & @everyone-else I hope you have read about Franklin 1571, if not it's a great read how when back in the day as they were traveling around the world they ensured those they meet on islands had basic resources to survive.
So I think if I was stranded on a deserted island I'd take a pregnant hen 🐓... That way I could have eggs 🍳 to eat, after she had laid her first nest of hatched chickens🐣🐤🐥...that way there would be a supply of hopefully hens & a rooster & endless eggs ..
For the 2nd thing to take,
I'm not sure if I'd take a pregnant cow 🐮 or a goat or wheat seed grains as I quite like my milk 🥛 & wheat grows maize 🌽 which can also be turned into a variety of foods.
One could also make a nice pillow from the hen & chicken feathers and have the cow to lie next to to keep warm should there be cooler days & nights.
Food for thought folks 🍴
@Lizzie , @Stephanie @Helen427 , @Suzanne302 , @Garrett48
“Stretching the theme:
Technically, I’m already on a desert island; well at least my portion of it is, now that we have entered the Dry Season!
So if I’m technically here, I have company that can socially distance themselves if not family, as well as a supermarket which is no longer being pillaged by hoarders.
I’m going for blank white paper and a pencil case full of art stuff. Then I can doodle to my heart’s content! “
No food??
Remember it's deserted and may not have fruit trees like your lovely back yard full of mangos...
No mangoes @Helen427 in my backyard! Once upon a time, but the tree grew too tall for us to get any fruit. The tree stopped everything else growing around it.
That same #### tree allowed TOO many fruit bats to grab the fruit, take a single bite and drop them on the ground, making mowing the lawn quite hazardous.
OR, when flying over the house, dropping it onto the corrugated iron roof - freaking us out by the loud bang in the middle of the night (nearly landing on the ceiling fan with fright).
Followed by the slow sound of the underripe fruit rolling down the iron, then silence...... ( wait for it) ........ the splash as it fell into the pool then blob, blob, blob, as it fell to the bottom of the pool! (true story)
I don’t need to take food, as my Australian Darwin end of the Island is allowing supermarket and markets shopping and take away, with restaurants also opening soon, under strict guidelines. :). :).
Hi, Sorry we missed this Friday zoom. A desert island is pretty much where we are all at the moment, at home, here in Spain:-) To a real desert island we would probably take with us now, the amazing ¨banana peel hamburgers¨ that was offered to make in the last Friday zoom! thank you so much for the idea, our girls looooved them!!! Have a great week!!! Michelle & David