Community Spotlight: Suzanne302

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Community Spotlight: Suzanne302

Community Spotlight image.png


Hi everyone, 


We know many of you enjoy getting to know others here in the CC and Iโ€™m very pleased to say the Community Spotlight series is back. 


Many of you know that the Community Center is actually made up of eight different languages. From time to time, we Community Managers get our translation hats on and share some of the great topics created by you across these languages. After all, we are just one community at heart. 

This is why, going forward, we thought we would expand the Community Spotlights to all the languages, so that we can hear from active community members from all across the CC, all over the world and really show that language is no barrier. We hope you like the sound of this and we would love to hear your thoughts and ideas to build this further. 


Getting back to the most important thing of today, our first Community Spotlight of 2020.


This month, we are speaking to โ€ฆ 



Wilmington, NC, USA

Community Spotlight - Suzanne.png


How long have you been hosting for and why did you first start?

Iโ€™ve been hosting since May of 2018. After an amazing long-term roommate moved out I knew Iโ€™d never be that lucky twice in a row so I didnโ€™t want another roommate. Airbnb was an attractive choice because I could try renting out my room, and if it turns out I didnโ€™t like it, I could always just remove my listing. No pressure!


Tell us a little about your listing

My home is located in a popular coastal area in North Carolina. I live in the home and rent one of my spare bedrooms. Itโ€™s not a big or fancy house, but I do take great pride in making sure the guest room and bathroom are cute, comfortable, cozy, and clean! Itโ€™s a great set up because my bedroom and the guest bedroom/bath are separated by the living room and kitchen, allowing the guests to feel like they have their own private little suite.


How long have you been part of the Community Center and why did you join?

I became a part of the Community Center as soon as I made my listing live. You can read all the FAQโ€™s and tutorials and help articles you want, but nothing will give you an idea of what hosting really means like the collective experience of seasoned hosts. I sought it out first as a great place to get feedback and answers about personal experiences. What I love about it now, though, is that just as the name implies, it is truly a community. 


What is your favourite thing about the CC and if you could make it better what one thing would you improve?

Iโ€™ve never met any of the hosts here, but I feel like I know many of them and thereโ€™s a wonderful sense of camaraderie. 


When you are not hosting, what do you like doing?

In my spare time youโ€™ll usually find me seeking out social opportunities with my dog! I love to explore hiking trails and visiting dog-friendly breweries is a great way to spend an afternoon.


What is the one thing you cannot live without?

Coffee. Wine. And, my dog, of course! Not necessarily in that order. Yeah, I know thatโ€™s three things.


Where would your dream holiday be?

I love to travel so thatโ€™s a hard question! My dream holiday would be somewhere between doing nothing on a sandy beach and exploring the rich history of someplace in Europe.


If you could have lunch with a famous person (past or present), who would it be and why?

Betty White! One, I love her. Two, she is an animal lover and an amazing role model for women. And who else do you know that is not only still witty in her 90โ€™s, but also worked well into her 90โ€™s?


What's your food weakness?

Crab legs. Take me to an โ€œall you can eatโ€ crab leg night? Itโ€™s not pretty.


Do you have a fun fact?

When I was 5 I won runner-up in a โ€œLittle Missโ€ pageant even though when asked what my favorite things were I answered, โ€œMatchbox Cars and The Dukes of Hazzard.โ€ Not exactly pageant material!


Anything to add

I am so grateful for the Community Center as I continue my hosting journey. Iโ€™ve learned so much from this community and members have been so welcoming and helpful. I really feel like the Community Center has helped me to become a better host and if I can give back even half of what Iโ€™ve gained here, I feel like I will have accomplished something.



Thank you so much Suzanne for sharing your story and insights.



Please do feel free to ask any questions or share any nice comments,  I am sure she would love to hear from you. 







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15 Replies 15
Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Great spotlight with @Suzanne302 ! Thanks for sharing your story Suzannne! I like your opinions and posts in this community! ๐Ÿ™‚

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Lovely spotlight @Suzanne302, thanks so much. So many things in this made me smile, particularly the crab legs. I'm a massive sea fan, particularly the food so if you ever need a hard at the "all you can eat, crab leg" restaurant, give me a shout! hehe 


Great to hear you are a fan of hiking, North Carolina has been on my list of places to visit for a while, I saw a documentary about a trail runner who did the Appalachian Trail and I just thought it looked wonderful. Have you got any nice trails you would recommend in the world? 



Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

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@Lizzie Our local grocery store had crab legs on sale a couple weeks ago for $6.99/pound. I don't know how that translates to your currency, but the normal price is about $11.99/pound, and even more if you go to a restaurant. Needless to say, I stocked up my freezer!


We have so many great places to hike here in North Carolina but hands down, my favorite hikes were at Acadia National Park in Maine. "The Beehive" trail in particular. Parts of it they have stakes hammered into the rock for you to grab onto because you have to climb straight up to continue the trail. It's wild!

@Suzanne302  Sounds like you and @Lizzie need to come up and stay with me or @Emilia42 for a hiking getaway!


Love seeing you in the spotlight.

@Suzanne302 Next you'll advance to the Precipice Trail  in Acadia. What are you doing this summer? ๐Ÿ™‚

Sounds like a road trip up the east coast is in order with stops at @Ann72  and @Emilia42 !

Level 10
Pensacola, FL

@Stephanie  I enjoy so much the's always encouraging and inspiring and so many of us feel like CC is our 2nd family in a fun kinda way...since hosting is what we all share but on so many levels and different's always so cool when you suddenly read a comment or tip that really was outside your box of tools for hosting. Nice to know that many people really GET It when you share something that others can't appreciate.  Thanks for @suzanne302 and her spotlight! I'm with her on dogs and coffee! No way without them. ๐Ÿ™‚

Top Contributor
Medellรญn, Colombia

Thanks  @Stephanie . I enjoyed your spotlight a lot. Congratulations!



Level 3
British Columbia, Canada

Well done,  you make a perfect host !!

Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

Thanks @Stephanie  for sharing the Spotlight on @Suzanne302 and her gorgeous dog.


@Suzanne302  Do you find that having a dog living with you is an added attraction to your Guests and a deciding factor why they choose your home to stay?


Or are people who would like to own a dog?

Or who perhaps have had a dog that's now in Rainbow Heaven who loves the companionship of a dog?


Have any of your Guests who have previously not owned a dog decided to go visit the Pound to get a dog after staying with you?


I ask as I was speaking to a couple out walking their dogs during the week and they have had a Dog Sitter who's own dog had passed away so has been having a break from it.


They hadn't been in contact with their Dog Sitter as they felt she was too upset to look after their dogs. In my wisdom I suggested they perhaps reach out to her as it helps with healing.


One of my Guests last year also previously had a dog and meet the infamous Zara the Jack Russel who weakened her heartstrings and started her to think about getting another dog - she said she's very busy however has a teenage son who is at the age having a dog is a great companion - it would of course help keep their family fit and healthy.


@Lizzie  Have you tried New Zealand Crayfish?

Do you or @Stephanie @Kerry143 @Juan306 @Clara116

@Suzanne302or others go scuba diving?


If not when you finally make it down under it's a great outdoor activity to try.

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hiya @Helen427 ,


YES! I have been scuba diving and a bit of snorkelling in my youth. My family took a trip to Turkey and we had an excellent time out on the boat with our disposable underwater cameras. In a previous job, I was the community manager on an underwater game where you play as sharks - since then I've developed a big love for the ocean and its secrets. 


I'm always filled with trepidation about scubaing in the Australasian territories for fear of the impact tourism is having on the ocean life there. Not that I wouldn't adore the chance! I feel the same about seeing the whale sharks of Mexico - the tourism has caused a lot of damage to the docile beasts ๐Ÿ˜ž


Thanks for asking,





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@Helen427 Yes, I have actually had a few guests say my dog was the deciding factor for staying with me! When I first got my latest dog, Griffin, I offered a $5/night discount if the guests agreed to 10 minutes of time to help me train him to greet people politely! Nearly every guest took me up on the offer and were happy to help.


As a guest, if I can't travel with my dog, a place with a dog would be a bonus for me!


I agree with your wisdom! After losing a dog, being around other dogs can certainly help with healing.


I've never been scuba diving but I have traveled to Australia a few times. In my 20's I dated an amazing guy from Canberra! I'd love to go to New Zealand!

Level 10
Pensacola, FL

@Helen427  Fun that you expanded the spotlight with questions to some of us! Cool idea for certain.

OK, I learned a little about scuba diving from one of  my 2 fearless brothers but his intense training, which consisted of snatching my face mask off unexpectedly  whenever and my skills at dealing with such was just too much for my already big fear of dark water and snakes in the water. All grounded fears I assure you. 

Now when we are talking seafood I am from the Gulf Coast of Florida where seafood is a staple. I'm not big on crayfish......but love many fish esp. Salmon, Tuna, Mullet (fried only) with grits.....haha, oysters in season, Crabs, shrimp and the list goes on and we have pretty much all of it. And Fresh!! It is truly seafood heaven.


So is New Zealand Crayfish different than ours??? I don't eat it here because it is usually cooked with such strong hot spicy spices can't handle it. Do tell...

I've lost several amazing dogs all of them....and can't imagine life without my little guys. Funny they have always been rescues and all male?? From beginning: Kobi, Henry Ashton, Jacky Chan, Jesse,  my boys now: Eddie & Bentley - they allow us to live here. When asked if we have a security system my quick answer OH YES, Smith and Wesson.........that's Eddie & Bentley.....however I just got a double back up for my birthday with a sweet S & W 380 Shield EZ  for those that shoot you will get it. My husband says post my target from yesterday's practice on the front door....with a sign that says NEW security system. lol ๐Ÿ˜† 

Level 10
Darwin, Australia

Hi @Suzanne302  & @Stephanie, thanks for the enjoyable monthly spotlight! ๐Ÿ’


@Clara116 , @Helen427  & @Kerry143 :

We never travel with our dog Tilly, but she gets lots of attention and walks. She has a friendly kennel that she goes and has a holiday at when we are going away.


Iโ€™ve never scuba dived but have snorkelled on the barrier reef a few decades ago. 


Only today I had a friend ask in a thread, if you could only keep three things.....

The choices were:

PJs, a messy hair bun, Netflix, chocolate, books, coffee or wine.


I no longer have long hair, so easy removal of the bun! Lol... 

Thought about the PJs, but there is plenty of other lounge style wear to choose.

So it boiled down to the vices!

So I kept: the chocolate, the coffee and the must have books.

After all, if I really feel the need for an alcoholic drink, there is always gin, champagne etc, etc!

But no chocolate or coffee? NEVER!!!!