Congratulations to our Airbnb Superhosts - April 2024 Edition!

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Congratulations to our Airbnb Superhosts - April 2024 Edition!

Welcome Superhosts 2024.jpeg


Hi Everyone! 

We're so excited to welcome our newly assessed Superhosts to the Community Center 🌟. One can truly imagine all your hard work and commitment towards creating exceptional hosting experiences for your guests. We hope this has been an incredible journey for you!


As we celebrate your exciting journey, do remember that our global Airbnb Community is always here to celebrate your successes and hearing your challenges. Whether you're looking for some advice, tips or share your hosting experiences, you're at the right spot!

Through this incredible Community, you can be sure of connecting with many experienced and outstanding Hosts and Superhosts across the globe 🌍. You can also explore our communities spread across 7 languages here : EnglishFrenchItalianSpanishPortugueseGerman, and Dutch

Do you have any advice for aspiring Hosts or Superhosts? We invite you to share your unique tips and passion for hosting with us😉!🎉   
Once again, many congratulations on achieving this significant milestone! 🥳


I'll tag all the new Superhosts who've visited us over this week below ⬇️  

@Margherita297 @Sara9071 @Héctor-Y-Laura0 @Domingo134 @Martine1338 @Assala1 @Rafael1421 @Wendy1769 @Denis2910 @Stephanie3108 @Margherita297 @Sarah5930 @Arianna605 @Juliana755 @Rafael1864 @Erica1717 @Aliki2 @Paola2110 @Amrita8 @Jerry612 @Riccardo746 @Abdul610 @Elisa3470 @Stephanie2992 @One-Step0 @Hayley205 @Maggie461 @Coralie190 @Fran16673 @Annalisa303 @Walid100 @Marcos734 @Ana24001 @Bill1414 @Mani-Kuntal0 @Sariya0 @Ilaria497 @Dyan-Et-Pierre0 @Arnold131 @Massimiliano176 @César-Yamandú0 @Mauricio756 @Albert3063 @Albert3063 @Marcela745 @Ruby167 @John5970 @Gästehaus5 @Jodi7 @Inmaculada-C-0 @Solange-Lesly0 @Jorge2113 @Frank2028 @Mohammed300 @David11878 @Camille945 @Trisha14 @Alicia1246 @Katlen0 @Victor3756 @Adriana-And-Glenn0 @Henrietta31 @Bárbara175 @John6388 @Karissa31 @Katlen0 @Laura7256 @Alex12048 @Daniel12751 @Solange-Lesly0 @Jenny1970 @Alvaro15 @Cynthia1201 @Rocio490 @Marcela798 @Jodi498 @April440 @Jose-Armando4 @Robert7504 @Neil698 @Ada3718 @Julie5551 @Mirna88 @Natasha705 @Sarah3803 @Bernadette477 @Violet7 @Anne14525 @Alina1306 @Ayham5 @Cathy1017 @Giulio314 @Marco4774 @Melisa149 @Jolanta58 @Bryan906 @Enrico581 



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158 Replies 158
Level 4
Kampala, Uganda

Hello Bhumuka

I love always getting great tips of hosting from my dear experienced friends of this platform and community who have been hosting through our great platform for along time

Welcome to Uganda

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Ibrahim260 , Thanks so much for the kinds words 🌻


How are you getting along with your hosting journey? Would you like to share some interesting stories with us?😍



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Hello Bhumika,

Very much thanks for your complements

i have not yet received any quest but i have hopes that one day soon will be having lots of quests coming to my place

I will be glad to share my  hosting stories once i start hosting willingly

As per now i really welcome every one to Uganda and have super fun

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

All the best @Ibrahim260 ! We'll look forward to hearing from you🌻.



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You are welcome please Bhumuka

 I will be always be sharing with you my experiences in this platform

Level 2
Georgia, United States

Hi Bhumika

I am a superhost for a property on a farm outside of Atlanta GA USA as well as a cabin in the North GA Mountains.  My advice for new hosts is to stay in your unit and see if it has all the things you would need to feel it was a 5 star stay.  Even little things, like a spare toothbrush or bottled water, can make a big first impression. 


I do have a question - when I call into SuperHost support.. it is not superhost support!  Did that go away? I am routed to a call center with noisy people in the background, and the operator can not even find my account with my phone number at times. This is a very different experience than in years past.   


Level 2
Eaglesham, United Kingdom

Hi Bhumika,


thanks I’m delighted to become a super host on Airbnb, it’s been an incredible first year!  Congratulations to all the other April super hosts too from Bonny Scotland 🥰🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Our family friendly French villa in Laroque des Alberes has welcomed more bookings than expected in our first year and we strive to ensure we can provide the same standard we expect ourselves when travelling abroad with our 3 kids, paying particular attention to younger family member’s experiences to make vacations truly memorable for them, parents and grandparents!  

Merci beaucoup Airbnb

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Alexia262 , extremely delighted to hear from you😍 Congratulations on an incredible first year and becoming a Superhost 🤗 


It sounds like your family-friendly French villa in Laroque des Alberes is creating wonderful memories for guests out there. 🎉  


Do you provide any specific amenities especially for families with kids, based on your own experiences? What has been the most rewarding part about hosting so far? 😉





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Level 2
Eaglesham, United Kingdom

The most rewarding thing has been a family spending Christmas at the villa, and sending us a video of them playing a song they composed themselves whilst in the house and their children singing along! For them to take the time and share such a beautiful family memory with us was wonderful. 
I always find out ages of any children coming and let guests with under 3s know we have welcome nappies available and other extras aside from the typical high chair, cot, cot bedding etc such as portable potties, portable booster seats for taking to restaurants, boostapak car seats for taxis, and carriers for hiking. We also leave out age appropriate toys and games and the wooden toys and children’s books in French and English seem to go down well too! It’s a pleasure to know they are appreciated and used rather than being outgrown by our own kids 🥰

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

This is so beautiful @Alexia262  😍 Thanks so much for these insights😊  I can imagine you must have felt so proud and happy receiving that video and seeing the guests having a lovely time at the villa. Your hospitality must have surely made a lasting impression on them! 😄 


I really like how much thought you've put into creating a comfortable space for kids in your listing. Since many Hosts in the Community also look for similar suggestions to create a comfortable space for families with kids, I was wondering if you had more such tips to help other Hosts! 😉 


I'll reach out to you via direct message!🌻





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Level 2
Pujut, Indonesia

Halo Bhumika,

I am Zakaria From Lombok Indonesia.

Saya memulai Airbnb sejak 11 bulan yang lalu, dan hari ini saya mendapat penghargaan sebagai superhost, suatu penghargaan yang luar biasa buat saya yang hanya punya 2 kamar bungalow kecil di tengah pedesaan di Lombok selatan. 

Saya berharap bisa mendapatkan ilmu dan pengalaman lebih dari teman teman yang sudah berpengalaman. 


Google Translation added by Community Manager:  

Hello Bhumika,

I am Zakaria From Lombok Indonesia.

I started Airbnb 11 months ago, and today I received an award as a superhost, an extraordinary award for me who only has 2 small bungalow rooms in the middle of the countryside in South Lombok.

I hope to gain more knowledge and experience from experienced friends.


Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

Hello @Zakaria110 👋


It's so wonderful to have you here and to be celebrating achieving Superhost status! 🎉

It's truly remarkable to achieve such recognition in just 11 months! 


I'd love to hear about any challenges you faced during your journey as an Airbnb host in South Lombok. What did you do to attract guests to your bungalow rooms in a rural setting? 
Looking forward to hearing from you 😊



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Level 4
Exeter, NH

Congratulations everyone!

Community Manager
Community Manager
Suffolk Coastal District, United Kingdom

And congratulations to you @Kathleen187 🎉💃 

How do you feel about reaching Superhost status? 😍



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Level 3
CF, Argentina

Bienvenidos a la comunidad a los nuevos anfitriones! Para mi Airbnb es la mejor plataforma para hospedar. es amigable y brinda seguridad para el huésped, a diferencia de otras plataformas. Hace 8 meses soy anfitrión y he alojado a personas de todo el mundo y todas las experiencias han sido muy buenas, así que agradecida a AIRBNB por ello. Los últimos meses no he tenido muchas reservas que creo que se debe a que para el turista argentino el pago con tarjeta encarece el precio en un 70 % por aplicación del impuesto país. Y para el extranjero Argentina esta siendo cara. Por lo tanto las reservas hoy en día son capturadas por otras plataformas que permiten el pago en el alojamiento en efectivo o por medio de transferencia bancaria. 


Google Translation added by Community Manager:  Welcome to the community to the new hosts! For me Airbnb is the best platform to host. It is friendly and provides security for the guest, unlike other platforms. I have been a host for 8 months and have hosted people from all over the world and all the experiences have been very good, so grateful to AIRBNB for that. In recent months I have not had many reservations, which I think is due to the fact that for Argentine tourists, paying by card increases the price by 70% due to the application of the country tax. And for foreigners, Argentina is being expensive. Therefore, reservations today are captured by other platforms that allow payment at the accommodation in cash or by bank transfer.