This is resulting in coordinated efforts to Boycott Airbnb h...
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This is resulting in coordinated efforts to Boycott Airbnb hosts which will end up costing the people who support his sight t...
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Reading many of the posts on this hosting board almost all correspondents are critical of the way Airbnb have handled this current pandemic situation.
What disturbs me is, some are trying to whip up hysteria by creating scenarios of their own which is not helping.
One host here @Sheila22 has claimed she as a guest has double dipped on her travel insurance and also got a refund from Airbnb and then goes on to talk about price slashing, guests cancelling and rebooking at cheaper rates and even looting!! She then backtracks and says she is a host and just trying to put different ideas in the mix!
Sheila, I appreciate that you are simply trying to play the part of 'Devils Advocate' with your comments, but this is seriously not the time to be doing it!
The hosting community are going through hell at the it stands this will cost me $20,000 this year if there is no short term remedy to the current pandemic. And all 3+ million of us hosts are going through the same thing.
I am also concerned that this pandemic could spell the end of Airbnb! To suddenly lose $94m in invest-able funds is not something a service company with few tangible assets can handle. Airbnb depend on cashflow and, that cashflow has stopped. The company may quite possibly not recover from this.
We are a community of hosts who collectively have a mass of experience and ideas to draw on. This is the time to be constructive and support each other and think of alternate ideas that may help us get our hosting wagons back on the tracks again once the worlds medical brains get on top of this.
Please folks, can we be creative, not destructive!
@Jody79 I know for a fact that the cases are underreported because my friend who is distributing herbal and vitamin immune boosters knows of several cases in the next town to mine and there are no official reports of any cases in that state yet. People who are sick with all the coronavirus symptoms are being told not to go out to the doctor or hospital, but to phone a toll-free number to report and that a doctor will be sent to their home. But, in fact, no doctors are showing up to check out the sick patients.
I'm quite sure that the number of cases is underreported everywhere, both due to the unavailability of test kits and the fact that some infected people with no symptoms are still out there exposing others to the infection. I think we could double the amount of cases reported and still be way under the reality.
Jody there has been a ' stick you head in the sand' attitude on the part of the US administration.
What I am going to say here is my own personal opinion, it is political and not something that we should engage in here on the CC and I fully understand if @Stephanie @Lizzie feel that this content should be removed. But we are in unchartered waters here and we do need to discuss political things that are affecting our very livelihood!
I am so cross with Obama that his presidency appeared to be so bad that the wonderful nation that is the USA ended up with Donald Trump.
He spruked off about how his administration was all over this ‘China virus’ thing and that the 15 cases the US had would be nil within a week!….I am not kidding, he said that just two weeks ago.
You are now seeing the results of putting your faith in such a weak, self centered individual as Mr Trump. Because of his own grandstanding he has guaranteed that the US is going to become the epicenter of this current Covid-19 pandemic. I will guarantee that within two weeks of 03/20/2020 the US will be the major source of infection around the world.
Tough times need tough people to make decisions……not grandstanding idiots, and unfortunately that’s what you have, a TV reality show idiot running your country!
@Sarah977 @Jody79 I think you have every right to be very afraid, the horse may have bolted in the US.
@Robin4 @Sarah977 I absolutely believe you are correct Sarah!
Robin, I am not at all going to dispute you here. We here in the US have an absolute narcissistic, refuse to take responsibility for ANYTHING idiot running this country. He is completely ill equipped to handle a situation such as we have here. I just hope we Americans are smart enough to vote this fool out of office come November. I just can't imagine another four years of him tearing this country apart.
It really kind of is the "Chinese Virus". I know its not politically correct but he is right when he says that. It came from China because they have horrendous food hygiene practices and eat various animals indiscriminately. Perhaps this will urge the Chinese government to tighten up food hygiene laws. Otherwise, the blame should be pointed there. It did not come from the USA, Canada or your country. The blame should be pointed to where it belongs so they can make the appropriate reforms and prevent this from happening again.
People should not be afraid to say the truth. Instead, they get accused of being racist for calling the "Chinese virus" a Chinese Virus
@Sean433 There has been no hard proof that this virus is associated with the animal market. It's just as likely that it's something that escaped from the biological lab in Wuhan.
Calling it the "Chinese virus" is not being done because it first surfaced in China. It is being done to inflame racism and is something no responsible head of state would do, especially at a time when everyone's survival depends on coming together (figuratively speaking) to keep everyone safe.
Either way, if you are going to believe those who say it came from a lab in Wuhan, it still came from China. If you look at how meat is handled there, its very unsanitary and it is a problem. I have been there and it is really disgusting to see how you can actually see dog and cat on the menu of some restaurants.
He is likely saying it to point blame at China so that he is not blamed for the Economic collapse this caused. He probably should not be saying it but it does not change the fact that it is a virus that came from China. It is a virus that was the result of negligent chinese practices (whether it be sanitary or lab) and thus is a "Chinese Virus".
@Sean433 It's a virus. It has no nationality. And we have zero knowledge of where it actually came from, nor probably will we, as lowly private citizens- for all we know it could have been purposely introduced there by agents from another country.
Following your argument why is the ‘spanish flu’ called this when it started in the US. Why isn’t it called the ‘US flu’.
This virus has a name; Co-vid 19 or Corona virus. Calling it anything else is just being done to inflame racism and divert attention from the appalling response from the US president to put resources and measures in place to tackle the virus.
i'm not ecstatic about 100% refunds of course but can understand as this is an exceptional time. However, some discussion before just doing it would have been nice, For us we have a strict policy and now i have many bookings in June, July, and August asking for full refunds as per Airbnb policy for the earlier bookings. We know this is no-one's fault but maybe a gesture of 1 nights fee to the host and rest refunded would at least help a bit towards keeping staff on. In Indonesia if the staff have no job and no pay then they have nothing. Unfortunately there is no safety net! I would like to be able to make the decision online now of how much i would like to refund.
It's just to bad that our federal government had no idea at all that a virus in Wuhan was causing havoc and that in our globally connected economy we might also catch it. How could we have possibly known? Anything reported outside of FOX news is "fake" & any way everything was supposed to get better by May, our genius president said so and he could have been a doctor, he's got a tremendous talent for this sort of thing.
President Obama's task force on preventing Pandemics was disbanded because who needs this deep state nonsense, anyway? We in the USA have a perfect track record for enforcing reforms when we make a mess and this is all China's fault and that's where the focus should be. There are plenty of masks and anyone who wants a test can get one, the president said so and all those doctors & nurses are just hating on the best president ever.
I'm sure Doctor Rand Paul was acting in the best interest of his country when he was tested but failed to self isolate until the test came back as positive (this is probably true, actually)
Hahaha, Sally that is what is needed at the moment, a bit of humour!
I did predict in another post that (thanks to the administration) within 2 weeks of March 20 the USA would become the worlds major centre of Covid-19 infection, and it looks like it will now happen in a week of that date. Here, according to is the current standing as of 03/22......
The US has risen to third, and by tomorrow will most likely be second behind China in terms of number of confirmed cases.
I am fearful for us here in Australia, but I feel dreadfully sad for you in America for the shabby nonchalant way the country's leadership has handled this, and I sincerely hope the average US voter remembers this at the next election.
The entry of a US tour group of 18, (10 of whom have been tested as positive) into this state in the latter half of last week has forced our state to shut its borders to all non residents, and all other states in Australia are doing the same thing.
I think almost everyone on earth now takes Covid-19 seriously, it is just a pity that many were slow to come to that conclusion!
I’m with you @Sarah977 on being philosophical about things. I love hosting and was all set with some new linen, etc etc for the start of our short tourist season. We do need to be looking at the stars, the tree or bee, the horizon and being appreciative of the bigger picture.
@Robin4 @Sarah977 @Branka-and-Silvia0 @Linda108 @Jessica-and-Henry0, thanks for this - it's so very refreshing. I really do feel bad for hosts who are losing their primary income, but I completely agree with @Linda108 that taking a action against Airbnb now is a bad idea. The world does not revolve around Airbnb hosts. SO many people are being affected - artists and musicians, festival and event organisers, casual workers, people who've had to cancel their holidays and their weddings, even funerals... literally almost everybody on the planet is affected (except toilet paper manufacturers, who've never seen such high demand!). My income has taken a big hit too, but the last thing on my mind is to scream blue murder at Airbnb like it's all their fault. I FEEL for guests who've made bookings then have had to cancel them. I WANT them to get a refund. Also, the cancellation thing is only temporary - the bigger problem for most hosts is that no one will be booking at all. What are they going to expect Airbnb to do about that?
There are a few good ideas being floated on the forum - offering credit to guests or optional insurance - that perhaps Airbnb could look at down the track in case anything like this happens again (which epidemiologists say is inevitable because of how humans are interacting with the planet - see and This situation is unprecedented - no one could have known, including Airbnb, even a month ago that we would be facing this. Airbnb is trying to look after its guests and by doing so will guarantee their loyalty, which in the long term is good for hosts. In the meantime, I will also miss my guests - I really do like having them around!
@Sarah977 , we get Japanese tourism here in Australia who come for the open roads. They hire motorbikes and just go. Stars included, way more than 5! 🙂
Interesting times indeed and hello to all, specially the 'old' posters that may still remember me when I was most active on this board (2015-2018). It has been a busy 2019, and this 'forced break' is giving me the time (for starters) to give my 2-cent opinion on this extraordinary event.
I do believe this type of event will serve as a reset for many societies, to be appreciative of things we perhaps started to take for granted and to lessen the role of charlatans (i.e. the U.S. political nonsense of the last few years immediately comes to mind) and now puts emphasis on what is by far more important - how to weather a storm and unite because ~everyone~ is facing a common enemy (i.e. a dangerous virus that this time appeared all at once in many places simultaneously) which has required strong leadership and fresh ideas. As with all things, this will pass and I do believe relatively quickly because it is not really the first time it has happened, but now perhaps a social structure will arise to lessen the blow of all viruses in general whose annual deadly consequences were accepted as 'normal'. Perhaps in the future ALL ~annual killing 'flu' viruses~ will face a stronger and more intelligent human race working together.
I also agree with Airbnb's policy of making their infamous Extraordinary Circumstances more available because just traveling along in most places became dangerous in itself. HOW Airbnb went about it perhaps could have been smarter - their offer should have put more emphasis for their guest to ~postpone~ their reservations, not making canceling so ‘attractive’ and easy. After all, those visiting in most cases involves their extraordinary income, for those hosting it influenced much 'necessary' income; two different realities. Perhaps this would have helped, by having more guests stayed paid and the host had more time to spread already-prepaid-reservation-income into the future, lessening an abrupt no-income-overnight unexpected crunch.
I would like to interject that like I have said a million times before, Airbnb is a 'gift & a curse', a Godsend to hosts because of the concentrated amount of guests they do bring to hosts and ~at such a low hosts cost~, but unfortunately they also are in a position to exercise too much power over the livelihood of those that have become too dependent on them.
'Wild prediction' - within a mere 30 days this whole issue will take a more positive perpective and the consequences will not be as dramatic as many fear for many reasons; i.e. the history of passed viruses and of Corona versions in particular, the economic fundamentals and the higher intelligencia of humans in general.
P.S. The minute Airbnb send that 'You are most welcomed to Cancel' letter, I wrote to every one of my guests that 'You are most welcomed to Rebook’ and every single one fortunately did.
P.S.2. The suggestion that many of you have made on this event about Airbnb paying you at least 50% of canceled reservations has some merit, in part. I would have thought paying their hosts at least 25% would have been more realistic and fair because after all in many of your cases you ~reserved~ a time slot in your places for an 'Airbnb guest', so that should have been worth much consideration.