Covid guest. Poem by Inna22. Corona publishing, 19th edition

Level 10
Chicago, IL

Covid guest. Poem by Inna22. Corona publishing, 19th edition

Covid guest is special kind
Too bad we can’t just hit rewind
And go back to old guest list
When Covid guest did not exist
Covid guest is spoiled brat
Give me this and give me that
Covid guest just wants to party
Covid guest is a discount smartie
Covid guest may choose to travel
Or just watch EC unravel
Covid guest expects hygiene 
Extra cleaning during Covid-19
Covid guest may help with mortgage 
But the booking maybe orgie 
Covid guest will come by car
And we hope comes from far
No locals here please
Wait, I just heard a sneeze
Covid guest got Covid-20!
Host life surprises plenty
It’s my fault without a doubt. 
I take a bow
22 Replies 22
Level 10
Petersfield, United Kingdom

Oh @Inna22 

So, so true, am having a run (5 guests so far) whom think they are so entitled.

Even caught one guest helping themselves to my food in the Fridge !!!


and don't mention arriving at 9.00am to drop of luggage when check in is 4.00pm. Then they get the hump when they are told am unable to accept responsibility for their bags.


Where have all the wonderful, courteous, polite and respectful guests gone ? ... Please come back

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

I hear ya, @Chris232 ! What is the difference between a luggage drop & a check in??? - NONE! (Both require host to be physically present, with party face, & room ready!) 😛

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Don't even get me started on that one...


I once had guests who asked to check in early morning and I said it wasn't possible because there were other guests there before them and the place needed to be cleaned etc. After some back and forth, they agreed in writing TWICE that they would "respect my check in time of 3pm," so I accepted their booking.


At 9am, I got a message saying, "Guess where we are, ha, ha? We're having breakfast at Sainsbury's." My local Sainsbury's?? Anyway, it wasn't a question, so I ignored it. Twenty minutes later... "Guess where we are, ha, ha? We're eating our breakfast in the park." Again, my local park?? Ignored it and then, ten minutes later, "Can we check in now??"


Erm. That will be a no.

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Inna, you have got me going now!!!


Airbnb has created quite a storm,

By insisting it’s just a booking platform!


They tell us they don’t interfere with what we do,

But God help you if you ever threaten to sue!


They ask us to set how much money we make,

Then tell us it’s too much to allow for their take!


The host is expected to be straight as a dye,

While guests desire is do nothing but lie!


Support is something they tout with pride,

But when there’s a claim they clamber to hide!


Terms of service are rules that change every day,

While hoping we hosts look the other way!


There are so many things about this platform I hate,

But till that next guest arrives….. I cannot wait!


Your rules and changes frustrate me to tears,

But you’re still the best thing I have done in years!


I know I sound like an ungrateful schmuck,

But in you Airbnb….. I will trust my luck!


There you go, do you think I have had a bob each way?



@Robin4  Fantastic! We can be co-authors and publish an Airbnb poetry book. It can be a yearly gift to superhosts  from Airbnb 

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Inna22're on!

Given that amount of time we should be able to come up with something spectacular!



Level 10
Feltham, United Kingdom

@Inna22  What a poet! You'd never know it. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom


'You better stop, look around
Here it comes
Here comes your nineteenth nervous breakdown'