Olá Laura, boa tarde! O Carnaval é a segunda melhor época. C...
Olá Laura, boa tarde! O Carnaval é a segunda melhor época. Como moro em uma Cidade Turística e praiana, a melhor época é a se...
During the first year of Covid I cancelled all reservations. Airbnb has penalized me and are taking money from me for cancelling. UNBELIEVABLE. I will never rent through them again. They are thieves!!!!!
When a host cancels a reservation, there are penalties from Airbnb.It is known to hosts.
But Airbnb can also cancel penalty free for a host, if there are extenuating circumstances to do so.
Also in the first months of the COVID pandemic guest could cancel with full refund under extenuating circumstances COVID.
Did you considered these options ?
Anyone that went anywhere had to quarantine for tow weeks before coming and after arriving. Of course I cancelled everyone. I did what I was supposed to do and you penalized me.
@Mary-Ann62 "You"??? This is a community discussion forum. You aren't addressing Airbnb here, no one here works for Airbnb, we are all just hosts or guests trying to help each other out.
And you don't seem to have understood Emiel's response at all. You didn't need to cancel from your end- guests were refunded in full for cancellations due to Covid fo most if last year if they cancelled.
And if you needed to cancel for that reason, you should have contacted Airbnb, who would have cancelled the booking without penalties if it was for something due to govt. travel restrictions.
That you just went ahead and cancelled on your own, without bothering to find out how it all worked, is not something you can blame on Airbnb or anyone else.
Rather odd that you say you'll never rent through them again, yet you have a new listing on an otherwise empty profile. Did you close down your old listing and just get hit with penalties from all those cancellations when you put up the new listing?
You don’t know what the hell you are talking about - I did contact Airbnb to cancel due to Covid.
@Mary-Ann62 I'm confused. Are you saying that you contacted Airbnb, and said 'due to covid travel rules, etc. etc. I'm unable to host XX and these reservation needs to be cancelled'....and they put it down as a host cancellation?
Have you contacted Airbnb directly to get the penalties removed because you were acting in accord w/whatever goverment directions were in place last year? I must be missing something.
@Mary-Ann62 Wow, nice attitude you have towards other hosts. That attitude sure won't get you much sympathy or helpful suggestions. And if this is how you talk to Airbnb customer service, I'm not surprised they weren't helpful.
Nowhere did you say that you contacted Airbnb to do these cancellations. You just said you cancelled them. Yet somehow we are supposed to know that you asked Airbnb to do them.
@Mary-Ann62 to demonstrate how this community can help even if you are being rude....
Do you realise that giving your listing address along with a handy calendar saying when it will be empty is an invitation for thieves to visit?
@Mike-And-Jane0 They also have their phone number and email address in the listing information.
You are a new host with 0 reviews. Really do you think that you know better than those trying to help you. And then add your defensive comments.
Good luck on your Airbnb.
I would not give your place a second glance.