One of the things I love about hosting is creating special m...
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One of the things I love about hosting is creating special moments for my guests. Sometimes, it’s the little unexpected touch...
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Actually, It is stream of thoughts.
During the pandemic I have had more time to stay with my family. The lockdown is over, however I and Ana only go out when it is necessary. We are in the group of risk. The danger is still around.
We used to go for a long walking every day on the promenade by the sea.
So I had to buy a treadmill to excercise at home.
When exercising, she set the TV to whatch Youtube videos where you can see a walking along beautiful beaches and she imagine she is walking along them. I like the idea and I am doing the same.
It helps not to become too sedentary.
When we are vaccinated we hope to return to the daily routine and going for a walking everyday outdoor.
If we consider the absolute number of deaths registered in each country now, the United States would be at the top (283k), unfortunatelly followed by Brazil (177k).Lamentably, vaccination in Brazil is scheduled only for January.
Only recently I reopened my Airbnb calendar.
With the exception of some guests who had changed their reservation dates due to the pandemic, I only accept reservations for a minimum of 14 nights and I avoid more than one reservation a month per listing.
I have been blocking 4 or 5 nights between each checkout and new checkin. Sometimes I have a big gap and I do not care.
This reduces the risk for me and the guests.
Since I reopened the calendar (about 2 months ago), I have had guests who came from other cities of Brazil, Argentina, US, France and Norway. Some are nomadic workers, others are just visiting the city.
Some of the guests are due to arrive soon. From Russia and a couple from the north of Brazil.
What I have notice is, people are craving to travell, including me! When everyone are vaccinated I think there will be a the travel industry boom.
Since the begining of the pandemic I have had considerable free time. Using this time I have created some videos about the history of Rio de Janeiro City and some other cities in Brasil based on its iconography to add to my you_tube channel. It is a hobby.
Before finishing this topic, some pics of the after/before of my most recent listing, which I own in partnership with my brother who is also my business partner.
The pics it was taken by me and the renovation it was completed in march of 2019.
I wish you Merry Christmass ( to someones it maybe happy universal holidays) and a Happy New Year! Stay safe!
J. Renato (Jose Renato)
That's a wonderful solution to your confinement, @J-Renato0. Here in Australia, at least in relation to the Covid issues, we have been incredibly fortunate, and the restrictions imposed on us have been very limited by comparison to your country and many others across the globe. And because we live out of the big cities, we have more space, fresh air, and a lot of very beautiful beaches around us including many on Jervis Bay (part of the Shoalhaven region, New South Wales South Coast)....which are never crowded because we have so many to choose from. We do not take our fortunes lightly, and most people treat our situation with great respect. Wishing you a speedy return to real life and a very happy 2021!
I wish you also a happy new year! Maybe someday I will visit your beatiful country and its beautiful beaches. By the way, I have read your post and left a comment there.
It’s so lovely to see you were still exercising and “getting out and about” to wonderful beaches and sightseeing along the way! Three cheers to you guys. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Garry would also watch cycling/ touring videos as he used the exercise bike. Different countries depending on the day! Lol..
Maintaining some exercise really helps with your mental fatigue and emotional state, so well done you! 💐
Yes, we have to "hold the line" !
Gary's idea for cycling using the exeercise bike was also funny and creative! Did he complete the tour de france? Lol...
@J-Renato0 With the beach scenes and renovations you seem to be a specialist in turning dreary to cheerful! Well done! I suspect you're right about a travel boom in the future. Thank you for giving us a window into your life in Brazil. Obrigado!
@Heather133 I see you are already speaking portuguese !!!
Brazil and US has been friendly countries since a long time. US it was the first country to recognize Brazil as an independent country in 1822.
If you have patience to read this, an interesting history. In the year of 1876, Peter II, the last Emperor of Brazil (at that time it was a parliamentary monarchy), visited the US. He meet Ulysses Grant, then President of the US, in Philadelphia, at the Centenial Fair and both was invited to press the buttom to start a huge steam machine. Peter II visited about 30 cities in the US, from cost to cost and visited also the south. He spent 3 months in the US!!! What a travel, is not it? : )
Oh, that sounds wonderful! I’d love to step out on a three month trip right about now, especially in the style of an emperor!
This exercise solution is genius @J-Renato0 - very creative despite the confinement 👏
Good that you are hosting in a way that ensures you are comfortable and safe, and I hope you're enjoying your Youtube adventure too!
The renovation is a real transformation so kudos there too 😊 How long did it take in total?
Hi Katie
Thank you for your kind words!!
Considering the renovation and then the time for placing and mounting the furniture, it took about 3 weeks.
The national lockdowns have certainly added more free time @J-Renato0 to discover new hobbies and intentions. The New Year resolutions came earlier for most, prioritising family time, a healthier diet and the spark to complete those endless , unfinished jobs.
Bravo to you both for not letting ‘ a global pandemic ‘ stop you from doing the things you enjoy. I hope you both get back to your beach walks again and not just the virtual ones.
Thank you for sharing your post.🌏
Festive greetings from from us here in NZ.🎄
I have been watching in the media about the efficiency of New Zealand and its Prime Minister Jacinda regarding the pandemic control! It is said that everything is under control and doing well. Good for you and to your country
I wish you merry chistmas and happy new year as well! 🙂
I feel a bit sad to think of the possibility of a lock-down Christmas in Rio! Some cities are never meant to shut down, and Rio is one of those.
You talk about exercise Jóse, I am almost at the point where I consider exercise taking the dog out for a walk with Ade's gopher!
Great that you are back hosting again, we have not really had a downturn here, all those Aussies that go overseas every year are holidaying at home for the time, the cruise trade is non existent and business is booming even though we are not allowing overseas travelers.
Thanks for giving us a glimpse of your life, you and Ana take care and have a great festive season.