Days 7: A Poem from Inna

Level 10
Chicago, IL

Days 7: A Poem from Inna

I was asked to amuse 

These boards with a poem

So I started looking for clues 

And a theme that's not boring


Should I rap about the dishes

Stolen recently by a guest?

He did not do it, he wishes

His sadness immense


Not a good subject 

For this festive occasion

My brain is wrecked

From Idea invasions


How about a pretend host

Whos is actually a scammer

And is here to bost.

Let's attack his bad grammar!


I can trash ABB

That's a popular topic

So much I can bash

But that might by myopic


Instead let's all play

A game of some rhyme

Can we do it all day?

I bet you a dime!


I will start with a sentence

Please, you make another

My only condition:

Be nice to each other


I am going to start us off and lets see how long we can keep this going! Lets have fun!


I put decorations on my Holiday tree

My pet porcupine broke 7, that left me with three

19 Replies 19

My lines:


This story teaches recluses

That poetry has its uses.


Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico


She isn't sure why

but it is a fact

that Inna attracts 

the much less than shy.


From guests who stay way

past the check-out agreed

to cleaners who fall to their knees

out of greed

for the left-over liquor

they find. What a shicker.


A host

who wants most 

to spend time with her kids

is caught up in dramas she'd like to be rid

of. So what can you do

when these things come your way

unbidden, unwanted, and ruining your day

but go to the forum 

to look for a quorum 

to offer advice 

on the bad guests and mice.












@Sarah977 and you know I always love your advice. And now your poetic talent!

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Inna, you are going to outdo me at lots of things but.....possum.... you are never going to outdo me at poetry!


I once knew a girl called Inna,

Who lived her life as a sinner.

She sucked in these smucks

who made her a few bucks,


But Airbnb was the winner!




Level 10
Darwin, Australia

@Inna22 , @Sarah977 @Emily352  But @Robin4 this isn’t a poem about possums

for indeed it began with one much more spiky.

They broke Christmas baubles and only three were left...

but did the Resolution Centre come to the party?

Well,  I’ll let you make a guess......... 🦔🎄🎄🎄🎄