Hola soy Ana María de la Paloma Rocha Uruguay, gracias x esc...
Hola soy Ana María de la Paloma Rocha Uruguay, gracias x escribirme , estoy acá para trabajar mejor y alquilar habitaciónes, ...
Hello everyone 👋
As the year comes to an end, many of us reflect on how the last 12 months have gone. Whether it was full of ups, some downs, surprises or interesting meets, I think it’s safe to say we’ve all had yet another big year. ✨
With that in mind, I’d like to invite you to look back on 2024 together: can you think of one word that encapsulates the past year for you?
Looking forward to reading all your words of choice! 😃
Wishing you all the best,
@Ericka104 A very dynamic choice of word! In which way would you say it has evolved the most this year? 💡
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
I can’t think of one word for everything that I have experienced this past one year but I think I can have one word for each of my experience
(ungrateful guest)
(review policy)
(by abb support)
(star raiting / star requirements)
(for all the guest that stayed with us)
(by fellow host and community managers)
(for 2025)
(to all)
Hi @Anton7298,
That is definitely more than one word 😉
I like that although you highlight some challenges, there are some very positive words too so it's all in all balanced. Picking up on your choice of word for the upcoming year, what are you most hopeful about? 🍀
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
@Emilie I’m hopeful for more community manager getting involve in assisting or perhaps having escalation role for the legitimate concern of host/guest to abb management.
abb would be a much better place if there will be real people who understands the host/guest positions and point of view to be considered before the verdict of every conflict.
I really feel bad seeing host exhausting every possible means they can to satisfy guest and during dispute will not even get an explanation from abb how the verdict was given.
the same goes to guest who tried themselves following every rule of host and will get penalize for small things such as not throwing garbage on check out.
I am hopeful that community managers, who can see different point of views to have a voice in disputes raised by host/guest to abb support. Especially those that has damaging effect such as losing super-host status, suspension, delisting and such.
I will feel bad abb losing reputation from many host in the long run but I wouldn’t be surprise.
If things don’t change, we might be seeing another kodak, yahoo, and nokia story starting to happen.
I am hopeful abb give community managers “juror like” role to settle conflicts.
happy holidays to all!
Hello Paula,
Thank you for reaching out! I appreciate the invitation to reflect on the past year.
If I had to choose one word to capture my year as an Airbnb host, it would be “Growth”
This year has been filled with learning opportunities, building stronger connections with guests, and enhancing the hosting experience to provide even more comfort and value.
Thank you for fostering such a supportive community, and I look forward to seeing what 2025 will bring!
Best regards,
Mohammed Al-Daher
Hello @Mohamed1383, thank you very much for sharing this with our community 😊
Was this your first year as an Airbnb host? Do you have any plans to continue growing your hosting business in 2025?
Looking forward to reading more of your contributions in 2025.
Happy holidays!
Of course, there is a schedule for adding and developing the special content in the shelter and hosting program.
My one word is "Start"
Congratulations on your hosting start, @Alfonso545!How has it gone so far for you?
There is so much to look forward to, and our community of hosts in the community center wil be here along the way if you need any advice. 🙂
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
This year, as a first-time Airbnb host, has been a journey of gratitude and growth. I’ve truly enjoyed hosting guests from all around the world and experiencing different cultures and lifestyles through their stories. It has also taught me to pay more attention to details and provide high-quality service to ensure every guest has a warm and comfortable stay. This year has not only been about hosting but also about building meaningful connections. I look forward to creating even more wonderful memories next year!
What an incredible journey for your first year as an Airbnb host! It's great to hear that hosting has allowed you to connect with people from around the world. What’s one connection or guest experience that stood out the most to you this year?
Amazing and awesome first year of hosting on Airbnb
Hi @Heemi0! Congratulations on such a great first year! What would you say was the highlight of your hosting experience so far?
This Year was ups and downs but it's fine overall