Bonjour, Je ne peux pas oublié ma première réservation, cel...
Bonjour, Je ne peux pas oublié ma première réservation, celle-ci étant tombée le jour de mon anniversaire. J’étais ravie d’a...
Hello everyone 👋
As the year comes to an end, many of us reflect on how the last 12 months have gone. Whether it was full of ups, some downs, surprises or interesting meets, I think it’s safe to say we’ve all had yet another big year. ✨
With that in mind, I’d like to invite you to look back on 2024 together: can you think of one word that encapsulates the past year for you?
Looking forward to reading all your words of choice! 😃
Wishing you all the best,
@Regina1113 A fantastic year, it seems! What was most exciting about it for you? ✨
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
Hi @Karyn119,
Could you tell us a bit more about this?
If you need any advice for the new year, our community of hosts is always happy to help here so feel free to 👉 start a new conversation to dig deeper together into any challenge you're facing. 🙂
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
There seems to be so much laundry! We have a three-bedroom holiday apartment in Dorset, England, which sleeps up to six people. I have a brilliant cleaner, but I help with the washing and drying of the laundry, and it takes ages! I have blocked same-day changeovers, so that should take some of the pressure off.
Laundry can become quite a lot to manage indeed @Jane4673, I imagine even more so for an apartment that welcomes up to 6 guests! You might find this discussion, where other hosts discuss their approach to this challenge, interesting: How do you handle the cleaning and management of bed linens and sheets?
Have you had any bookings yet since you've implemented that block for same-day changeovers? I'd be curious to know how you find it. 🙂
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accomplished 🥂
Congratulations on your year marked by success, @Maria16866! What are you most proud as a host, when you reflect on 2024? 🎉
Merci de jeter un oeil aux Principes du Community Center/ Please follow the Community Guidelines
Turbulence 😆 is that word and Happy New Year to you all !!!!!🤗
@Mark-Bailey0 What made you feel so disappointed? Is there anything the Community can help you with?
Are there any 2025 hosting aspirations? Feel free to share them with us 👉here👈.
@Linda4499 There's nothing like the feeling of a job well done! 🙌 Is there a particular hosting moment from 2024 that made you feel really good?
Also, what’s one thing you're excited to achieve in 2025? Share it with us 👉here👈.