BEWARE Elijah Gittens is a SCAD student and he damaged so mu...
BEWARE Elijah Gittens is a SCAD student and he damaged so much property, moved furniture around , not following rules, then h...
@Sarah977 @Robin4 @Rowena29 @Susan17 @Helen3 @Elsa64 @Larry339 @Cormac0 @Linda108 @Airbnb
Is Airbnb as concern about the social world condition, or is it just an image?? this statement will be answer by their action and not by the abstinent of answer
You promote discrimination, party banns that kills a few people??
but when I rise the fact that you can do toward world current urgent epidemic at corona virus.. you ask me if I'm requesting partnership as a reason not to listen..??
I was overing free ground work.. for you.. so you can stabilise more your income which resulted more traveler feel safe and loess country being contagious by the epidemic.. a network (with hospitals, and immigration), tool kit set of (information pamflets, mouth guards small sachet of handsanitizer and a small package of tissue. and request to all host to provide a hot warm towel to wipe the face as they enter the accommodation.. Is it too much?? is it more than half a million dollar guarantee..
you made me sad .. your silence don't make thing better.. just because America is un sue-able since there are no threat of infection like the rest of the world.. but we live the same world.. even non tourism app by Indonesian have provide the services of food delivery have already begin providing services with in their app of doctors consultation..
you slow reaction makes me sick.. you want host to wake up in the middle if the night for any guest problem.. even if just . couple fights cause of intoxication.. but real threat you choose abstinent of words??
*sensitive information hidden*
you know what disappoint me the most is, I believe in you guys... and you lost a star from me.. is not much.. you probably give reason.. not every one understand every thing...
I'm asking what is your action?? is it not extreem enough..
corona does not threaten your existence.. but when you work from heart there are politics.. you just help.. because the world is worth being help
swift response is needed guys..
you have an army of host who cares.. use it. lead it.. you making me cry
*sensitive information hidden*
please help the spread by taking extra care about updates, or extra care for your guest.. the guarantee of safety-ness I now is not true.. but make it better cause it gives hope.. by earth united.. this epidemic since it is still yet considered small it can be overcome.. just a button and report updates.. not a useless button of open homes.. be innovative, creative, and listen..
your choice.. to earn or declare you don't deserve the title..
when is to complex.. be silence.. breath.. and listen to your heart..
I don't need your money.. I got millions of dollars in assets.. i'm just in frozen punishment by my family..
I'm at your back.. not at your front against you
Have you been on the Bong again, Jeffrey? 😉
The answer to your question is, of course - unless there's something in it for them, they don't give a sh*t. There's no doubt that their handling of the Coronavirus situation, and their efforts (or lack thereof) to keep both their host and guest communities updated on the situation, fall far short of acceptable. However, with China having been loudly and widely trumpeted by the company as potentially being their largest, most lucrative market in 2020 - and China also being one of the four pillars of their IPO pitch to investors - this unforeseen outbreak has been a disaster of epic proportions for Airbnb. As such, you can bet your life that they'll be making the absolute minimum efforts possible, and imposing the absolute least restrictions possible, when it comes to anything even vaguely related to both the inbound and outbound Chinese markets.
ok., lets see if I can find out what „on the Bong“ means. „bong“ seems to be a waterpipe. Who knows what kind of substances people smoke in a WP. And then the name of the person is Jeffrey Bong, maybe it's a wordgame. No need to rush anything. I'll think about it till tomorrow.
Sorry Jeffrey - I was just having a bit of cheeky banter (teasing) with you about your name, I certainly didn't intend to cause offence! In retrospect though, I probably shouldn't have gone there, my clumsy attempt at humour was misplaced, and I apologise sincerely if I upset you or hurt your feelings in any way. My bad 😞
I never said you had the coronavirus though, nor make any reference whatsoever to your nationality, so I'm not sure where that's coming from.
all I'm saying isn't it a good Idea if there are emergency epidemic support with in the app since it does got notice by most part of the world.. instead just saying care, and give support for refugee or people effected by volcano.. but actually also give small extra care for Airbnb guest.. we are in service industry anyway.. because good service matters, and does not effected by economics politics.. all i;'m saying is it to hard to give an extra inch of service leads up..
I'm sorry if you don't understand.. my head just work differently to many people..
but thank you for your perspective .. love to hear more different perspective and point of views
Hiya @Manasui0 et al,
I'm afraid I've closed this topics and removed some sensitive language as it is not inline with the Community Guidelines. We are more than happy to hear all perspectives, positive and negative, but I believe this topic has become very confused and I don't want your voice to be misinterpreted. If you would like, please feel free to DM me so I can work with you on a new topic or to address your concerns.