I had a guest who paid for three, and seven stayed at least two nights. I don't want the hassle of writing a review. Doesn't look like ABNB responds well.
What are the consequences, does ABNB insist on it?
Why wouldn't you want to alert your fellow hosts to the fact these guests are dishonest and book for 3 but turn up with 7 by writing a honest review of their stay? @Marie1382
Hope you sent them a request to cover the costs of the additional 4 guests.
In terms of hassle - in the time it took you to post here you could have written their review 🙂
In answer to your question, you won't be penalised by Airbnb for not reviewing your guests.
For love of your fellow hosts, @Marie1382 , please do write a review, as @Helen3 suggests. You can say only "XX booked for three guests, but meant to book for seven." It is factual, and shouldn't lead to any hassle of the guest writing to argue. (Is that the hassle you mean?)
Your fellow hosts will know what's up with that and will do some extra questioning of that guest. They will appreciate the heads up.