Doubt - Airbnb Community Expert

Level 2
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Doubt - Airbnb Community Expert

Hi all! 👋


I’ve applied a long time ago when I first heard about Airbnb Community Expert, but I had no response. 

Two weeks ago I received an invitation from Airbnb about the Community Expert and I’ve applied again yesterday. But my language tests (English and Portuguese) are pending. How can I redo my language tests? And how long does it take to have a response from them?


Thanks in advance! Regards,

Lucas Somma

1 Best Answer
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

You will need to call Airbnb this is a community for hosts and guests @Lucas526 

4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

You will need to call Airbnb this is a community for hosts and guests @Lucas526 

Level 2
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Thanks Helen! 😃

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Lucas526 ! Hope you are doing well!

Have you managed to reach out to the concerned team through the email?

Do keep us posted on how it is going for you and all the very best! 🌻




Please follow the Community Guidelines

Level 3
Lima, Peru

Hola Lucas. Deseo estés muy bien. ¿Tuviste alguna respuesta? Me parece que es un correo falso. Saludos y nos cuentas.