Estrange inquirings and not bookings. is someone using us?

Estrange inquirings and not bookings. is someone using us?

after all this Coronavirus cancelations disaster Airbnb created for most of us, I have been having a series of inquires with not bookings… Many Many suspicious inquires.

some from my own city, using ethnic names, and photos and usually with some estranger request, like a cat or a dog.. all this are long periods of time requests, I gave approvals and never hear back from them again.
Is Airbnb testing us? is the government checking? a university? what is going on?


3 Replies 3
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Charly14  It's hard to say if Inquiries are some kind of scam without actually seeing the content of the message. But as far as inquiries not turning into bookings, that's quite common. And usually you never hear back from the inquirer again, not even a thank you for responding.

Hi Sarah. I dropped prices and received like 10 inquires in 2 days saying they were ok with price and they were going to stay but never book, all them were with names and pictures from minorities and few asked about bringing a pet. I approved them and they didn't communicate again.
Sounds like a racial study or enforcement to me taking advantage of the blank slate this cancelations brought to most of us.


Level 10
Sofia, Bulgaria

Yes, there was few of them yesterday.