how can i join airbnb groups in umoja nairobi kenya
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how can i join airbnb groups in umoja nairobi kenya
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The Team feature is something I as a Property Manager find very attractive and of great value. However, together with Tasks, there is a learning curve, a lot of unanswered questions and a lot of things that can be improved in my humble opinion.
Let's share here our questions, knowledge and ideas about how Airbnb can evolve Teams and Tasks to its full potential.
To start I want to make an observation of what seems to be the biggest flaw in Teams: it is incompatible with Co-Hosting. You can not invite someone to co-host if they are part of a team and you can not be invited as a Co-Host if you work as a Team. That, in my case, makes the feature useless, since I choose Co-Hosting over Teams every time.
Team Permissions are also not ideal. They are too general, so far there are 5 permission groups: Tasks, Guest Management, Listing Management, Finances and Team Management. Each group allow a defined set of permissions.
It would be great if you could assign a team member to a permission group, and then customized individual permissions inside the group.
For example: What if someone wants a guest manager that can write and respond to guests reviews, but not be allowed to edit reservations and block the calendar; or a Listing Manager that can create and edit listings, but can not deactivate them.
Also, it would be amazing if permissions could be given for certain listings only. Like, for example, in case I have listings in different cities, and i want to assign a Finances permission to a team member only for listings in his/her city.
About Tasks:
There are very few flexibilities while creating Tasks. There are 4 defined Tasks categories: Cleaning, Maintenance, Photoshoot and Check-In. What if someone wants to assign a Task to a team member and is not inside these defined categories, like, let's say: solve a dispute between the owner and a guest, or find a more profitable home insurance deal for the property? The list of topics out of these 4 categories is long.
It would be great if these categories were customizable.
Also, it is mandatory to attach a task to a listing, but what if someone needs to create a task that is not attached to a listing? In my case, I need to create a task that sends a team member to sign a contract with a host that is not listed yet. The only current way to do that is to attach the task to some random listing and write in the description the real address and that the attached listing should be ignored.
Also it is important to be able to be part of more than 1 team.
This will give the opportunity to companies and freelancers to provide services for several hosts or property managers without having to create multiple accounts.
For example, photographers and cleaning services could need this upgrade.
Really, someone can only be in one team? I added my accountant to my team with access to Finances. But what if another of her clients wants to do the same?
Tasks should be available on mobile apps, not just the desktop web app. It's especially cumbersome to require room condition photos to be taken from a laptop computer. I'd like cleaning staff to have a checklist, including taking photos of the condition a guest left the unit as well as photos of it all cleaned and prepped. I shouldn't have to require they bring a computer with them.
Not ideal, but you can access the website from your portable phone and the task menu is right in there. So it works like the app, but has the task menu ... hope this will make its way to the actual app soon with notifications and chats... in the meantime...
wow really....nothing is available on the app??
We agree with @Raidel0 and other comments here. I think Airbnb is still working on this 2 features. I was looking for Team and Tasks to help us use the Airbnb app only for communicating and assigning task to Room service, co-host, .... The Tasks definitely need to be on mobile and have proper notification. The Team chat should be available too (it was before with co-host). I see the new UI is surely towards mobile first and they know all the needs of hosts like us so let's hope soon we will have better experiences with Team and Tasks on mobile.
So... Still no teams on mobile?>
Hello all, do you know if adding a cleaning crew to tasks would give them access to see the payments information?
It depends on whether or not you have them selected as so.
If they can only see tasks then they can not see any other details.
There needs to be parity between the app and the web site. Our teams are mobile. They are out working on the units. They are not in front of a computer.
Tasks, to be a powerful tool, needs to be available on the mobile app. AND, the teams need to be alerted when a task is assigned to them.