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I have a reservation request from a couple who says they want to bring two young children but are only giving 2 as the number of guests to stay. I have an extra guest fee policy but I am not sure at what a child is considered a guest. Is it a child under 2 or ?
For me all humans count as guests. By default guests under 2 are free - unless you have specified something different in your house rules.
For me all humans count as guests. By default guests under 2 are free - unless you have specified something different in your house rules.
Hello @Benidorm0
Any child of two and over is counted as a guest and should be paid for.
Remind your guests that they need to add all guests to the booking and ask them to go in and amend the booking to include the children on the booking.
You will then be asked to approve this change to the booking and the guest charged for the additional guests.
I would find out how old the children are. If they are over 2 years of age, “Request to alter” the reservation to 2 adults and 2 children. When I request to change the number of people, (as many people will not put the correct number of people when searching and forget to change when booking) I will tell them that the actual number of guests is required for proper liability insurance through AIRBNB should something happen. If it causes additional fees, so be it but usually they accept that it’s for the insurance reasons. If someone requests a stay for one person without a message that clarifies, I always ask if it is just themselves.
I have just had a message from a couple coming in 2 weeks with a child, asking if they can bring another adult couple..... my property has 2 double bedrooms, and they have said the child will sleep on a sofa... I feel a bit unsure about this, although there's no real problem, I suppose, it just seems a bit of an imposition! They have also asked about extra payment, so I don't know what to do. Any advice appreciated.
@Chris14748 You can request to alter the reservation to include the extra adults. The guests have to approve it so just send them a message letting them know the request to alter is coming and that they are required to approve. If you have extra fees for extra people it will automatically be applied.
The slightly tricky part is if your listing doesn't currently allow five people.
You will have to go into your listing first and make that change to five people, then create the request to alter reservation. You can change the number of allowed people back and it will not affect your reservation.
If this booking works out well for you, maybe you would like to invest in a small cot for such situations.
My apartment only sleeps 4 adults in a 2 BR apartment. This weekend I see that I have 6 adults staying at the apartment. We only have a love seat and 2 chairs in the family room. Unless people are sleeping on the floor I'm not sure what the arrangements are? At any rate, it's only set up for 4 persons. What are my next steps?
@Ben4128 Notify registered guest that the unregistered guests must leave immediately or you will have to contact airbnb to cancel the reservation because registered guest has broken house rules.