
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

[FESTIVAL] Do you have a guest book?

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London, United Kingdom

[FESTIVAL] Do you have a guest book?



Screenshot 2021-08-24 at 17.20.43.pngThis topic is part of the CC Hospitality Festival, and was created by @Clara116




Do you have a guest book? Do you know the impact of the guest book in your Airbnb? It’s a treasure that can pack a terrific punch!


When beginning my Airbnb journey in June 2017 I worked to learn and follow all suggestions presented to me that made sense and seemed to work for others before me. Flash forward 4 years now, and this super host and community leader is really glad I did a few things that seem to make a difference for me as a host and also my guests.  


Whenever I am feeling low, funky, questioning my hosting, doubting my style, anything about being an Airbnb Host - I only have to go into the cottage that sits outback and read a few pages in the guest book, and suddenly I recall why I do this and that it is making a small difference for some folks, and it's like a quick charge of “another happy guest - and I guess I’m doing OK”! My guest book was ready on Day 1 - June 2017, and it holds way over 160 + fabulous messages of thanks, praise, comments and events that occurred during their stay and how that experience was for them as guests on Airbnb staying in our cottage…

And just an abundance of affirmation of WHY I do what I do.  


I believe it is a fabulous way for newbie guests to understand how to even begin to think about and/or write reviews, also, they read posts from past guests and "OH, they forgot how they love that." Or they too were glad about this being in the cottage…etc.  It's a really important part of hosting, I'm convinced - the guest book reaffirms for guests that others truly stayed, loved it, slept great, and enjoyed special places or foods that were recommended by their Host. And got to share places or things they found unique or awesome during their vacation/staycation/getaway.... journey.  They might tell of a special adventure, venue or place that even the Host didn't know was local or of any value to guests.  


I've read where a few Hosts say, "if guests write in the Guest Book, they will not leave a review for us." This has not been the case for me...actually, I believe it is a dress rehearsal for the review.  Almost all our guests have both written in the guest book and left awesome reviews. Do you ever wonder about certain guests, just couldn’t read them from communication or lack thereof and wondered if you were gonna get a surprise weird review? Well, very often those people will indeed write in the Guest Book and you don’t even need to think twice about the review that’s coming.  Also, most often they repeat a variation of the guest book words. If they write less detail in the review but wrote really cool stuff in the guest book - in the Review response on our listing, I have quoted my guests from the guest book - since they wrote it, and I thank them.  Also, you have wonderful captions/words to add under your photos if you want to boast and brag just a little. Plus, future guests are reading reviews to know what others experienced and thought.  It's true, pure & real marketing and the best of its kind, I believe. Many guests look at pics and don't read all the listing information, they do look at I add terrific comments under the pics on our listing.  

I am thankful for the Guest Book for keeping me lifted up (quick therapy) for times when I most need it. Also, the name of my cottage came from a comment by a guest in my guest book. It doesn't get any sweeter than that.  I call it the Magical Jewel Cottage in Pensacola! Striving for a little magic, one guest at a time.










What’s your take on the guest book? It's easy and costs little -  just a 3 ring binder, sheets of  paper with or without lines, a pen to write with kept close by. You can add pencils or color crayons for all those that have an artistic flair.  Keep it in a place the guests can easily see! It works for me - how about you?



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15 Replies 15
Level 6
Vero Beach, FL

I love using a guestbook…. It is also where i write a personal note to them! I have received poems, drawings, polaroid pictures taped to

it.  It is an art book in


Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

@Quincy   Oddly, we had one for at least a year,  maybe two, and not a single person ever wrote in it, but people left us hand written notes, but written on something else. So, we nixed it. 

Level 10
Kingston, Jamaica

Refreshing post.  My guests tend to send me whatsapp or text notes of thanks, @Quincy, so I haven't created a guest book. 

Level 10
Pensacola, FL

@Quincy Thanks so much for posting my post about having a guest book.

I am hopeful that other host will share their comments on theirs as well. 



Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia


We don't provide a guestbook at either of our properties.  Personally, I think guestbooks are unhygienic, and the thought of people licking their fingers as they thumb through the comments, or handling the book with unwashed hands after a bathroom visit is very unappealing.  I don't read periodicals that are left in waiting rooms or on public transit, and stopped checking out hardcopy books from the library about 15 years ago.  I just don't like to handle porous items that I cannot wash, and I know have passed through many hands.


Like @Flavia202, many of our guests will send a Whatsapp message.  Especially, the younger ones who I don't think are used to manual writing, and proper spelling and grammar.  Much of their communication is slang, an abbreviation or acronym, and spelled phonetically. 

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center

@Debra300 I have just the perfect protective gloves for you to wear....hahaha. Well, we all do have our styles and quirks for sure and  I have mine as well. I'll bet your place is spotless for sure.  

The comment about the younger folks is a sad one and probably somewhat correct but they have been some of the sweetest and best notes yet. I suppose if they are never exposed or offered a different way of expression than the abbreviated, acronym and spelling phonetically or with slang they will never be bothered or have a chance to try something different.  


Kinda reminds me of driving the stick shift cars of my early younger days - many today would have to walk because they would never even try and learn to use or drive those beauties.

The world is indeed filled with different people. Awesome, for sure.


Level 2
Florida, United States

So awesome to read about your guestbooks,  we use them as well.  My husband often finds me to read me what one of our guests wrote about the area, their stay with us.  We love having a written relationship with them that we can save.

@Anita-And-Larry0 thanks for your expressive words. So glad you too like having a guest book. 

Blessings, Clara

Level 10
Littleton, CO


I have a guest book and it gets used, more often than I get reviewed.  I find it terrific because without a review you really have no idea how you are doing,  those little comments are so appreciated. 

We stayed at an Airbnb last weekend, it had a guest book but no one had written in it.  I think it’s because the property was managed by a company, meaning that you really didn’t  identify with the property owners.  We also did not sign the welcome book.

I leave mine open to the next available page near the welcome manual and it’s usually written in.


As far as hygiene i wipe the book and pen with a Clorox wipe between guests and its up to the guest if they choose to sign,  I never  ask. 

Oh @Clara116 We love our guest book. It is brimming so we had to get extra pages. And I think it's helpful for other people to be able to read the notes. Not everyone leaves a note but most people do. They create the most fun memories and if there's ever another issue at the city level on licensing, we've got a record of what having the space has meant to some people.

Thanks for sharing. Our guest book was my husband's idea and it was brilliant!

@Christine615  thanks Christine so glad you too love the guest book. 

Great idea about the licensing, and having a record to share the folks in charge.

We are often in struggles against the hotels but with Covid we haven't had to struggle

to keep hosting -- they are very strong here and some of our city officials are heavy duty hotel lovers/probably owners?? Anyway, thanks I'll remember this for sure.

You have a wise husband - well, I knew that, he married YOU!

till tomorrow I hope.

Blessings, Clara

Level 10
Placitas, NM

@Clara116 , yes, the guest book can lift your spirits when you read how much a guest enjoyed your space and their vacation.  It is therapy when you ask why you host.  We have a book in each of 3 units and guests have left poems, drawings, their favorite hikes, restaurants, suggestions for other guests, where to view wildlife.  It's a great resource for other guests, and as you said, it's a preview for the review they will write online.  After 10 years, they are getting full and I will definitely replace them when needed.  

@Denice0 thanks I'm so happy to read your post and I can join you in how fine it is to see how creative and interesting guests can be when given the chance and place to do it. Good for you- happy hosting


Blessings, Clara

@Clara116 @Quincy 

Since a lot of our guests were long-term we don't have a guest book...... but many left us thank you notes or letters. One guest made us an entire thank you book with photos of all the different dishes she had with us during her stay 🙂 

