[FESTIVAL] How unforgettable stories shaped my Airbnb journey

[FESTIVAL] How unforgettable stories shaped my Airbnb journey



Dear Hosts, Daniela here! 😃


Unforgettable stories have shaped my journey, and today, I’m excited to share some of these special moments with you. Each story carries a piece of my heart, and I hope they bring warmth to yours. While I’m not one for pictures, the notes left by my guests fill my inspiration board and keep me motivated each day.


I’ve always dreamed of owning a small, cozy hotel—a place to welcome people from all walks of life. My introduction to Airbnb came during a pivotal time while living in the Netherlands. Amid a family dispute, a generous host from the Amsterdam Mamas group offered her home to my family for the night. Though I declined, that act of kindness planted the seed for my hosting journey. I owe my introduction to Airbnb to Emmy and Silvia, who inspired me to embark on this path.


Today, my mission with Airbnb is to offer an affordable, welcoming space where people of all income levels can experience the magic of Aruba. My goal was never to make the island seem cheap but to ensure that everyone, regardless of their financial situation, could create lasting memories here. I strive to be the host who provides five-star service with a big smile and a warm heart, knowing that everyone is fighting their own secret battles.


The St. John Hopkins Guest

One sunny Sunday, a guest arrived at 3 PM, walking under the scorching sun with nothing but a backpack. He seemed to carry a heavy burden despite his light luggage. I invited him to sit and chat on the garden porch. As soon as he sat down, he leaned back, as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders. I asked him if everything was okay. He replied with a simple "yes." I asked again, and this time, his eyes filled with tears.


I reassured him, "You don’t need to share anything, but know that this humble space is dedicated to those who seek to escape, find themselves, and heal under the blue sky. It may not be fancy or classy, but I can offer you suggestions and assure you that you’re on the safest island in the Caribbean." I then introduced him to four other guests, and as it turned out, they ended up renting a car together and spent the entire week as a group.


When it was time for him to leave, he hugged me tightly and said, "This was the best vacation I’ve had in a very long time." He shared that his job at St. John Hopkins was demanding, and he had arrived in Aruba right after having to fire someone, which weighed heavily on him.


Hosting, for me, is about moments like these. It’s about opening my doors to those who truly need a break, offering them a chance to recharge in a majestic destination like Aruba. With its turquoise waters and warm-hearted people, Aruba is a place where my guests feel safe and never alone. Every tourist I meet becomes my guest, and how I treat them shapes their impression of Aruba.

The Transatlantic Lovers

Ah, COVID-19—a time that tested the strength of many relationships. It separated lovers, fortified some connections, and shattered others. COVID-19 was a catalyst that brought sadness but also reminded us of our shared humanity.


During the pandemic, Aruba became a neutral meeting point for many couples. The government was hands-on and strict, and we locals knew that if we didn’t take proper precautions, we could all be at risk. At one point, the island had zero cases, and for a brief moment, it felt like we were living in a bubble. This story is about a pair of lovers who hadn’t seen each other in eight months, and they chose my tiny studio as their reunion spot.


Back then, my porch was the place to be. We all chatted while maintaining social distance, and it was a blissful experience. When they each arrived separately and locked eyes for the first time in months, it was pure joy. He was from Italy, and she was from San Francisco, USA. They met here after eight long months apart, and it was clear that this was true love.


Another couple, originally from the Dominican Republic but living in NYC, had also booked a stay during that time. Over two weeks, the two couples formed a deep friendship. In 2022, I received a message from the second couple—they were in Italy attending the wedding of the transatlantic lovers! It was a beautiful reminder that friendships can form not just between hosts and guests but also among guests themselves.


The Yogi/ Notary

During the same COVID-19 season, July 2020 another pair of lovers booked a stay with me, hoping to reconnect. However, the male partner didn’t show up. Days after checking out, my guest discovered that he was seeing someone else. As I always tell my guests, even after you’ve checked out, I’m here if you need me. True to my word, I got a call from her. She was stranded on the island, far from home in the Netherlands. Heartbroken, she cried and cried, and I welcomed her back into my home.


The universe works in mysterious ways. During her stay, I learned that she was a lawyer who had resigned from practicing law because she felt people were too greedy. We spent time together, and a friendship blossomed. I encouraged her, saying that sooner or later, she would meet the true love of her life and return to practicing law. A little over a year later, during Christmas, she called to share some wonderful news. She had returned to law, was now a candidate notary, and was enjoying her career. Ever since her stay she messages during Christmas and Valentine’s Day She had also met a wonderful man, and when we last spoke, they had adopted a dog and moved into a new apartment.


As hosts, we have the power to influence lives. We are the conduits of memories, helping others reconnect with themselves and with humanity. By serving one another, we create lasting bonds and unforgettable experiences.


Happy hosting!






16 Replies 16
Level 10
Coimbatore, India

@Daniela2903 - each story is an everlasting impression. Love the way you make time to interact with your guests and leave behind a meaningful message. You are nothing but a blessing to the host community. Best wishes on your journey. 

@Dr-Jayanthi1 Thank you so much for your beautiful message! I truly love interacting with guests and having the chance to bring some love and warmth into their lives. Life can be so short and fast-paced, but when we take the time to share genuine love and create meaningful moments, it revives us. That’s exactly what I hope to bring—a moment that feels different, pleasant, and uplifting. Your words mean the world to me, and I’m grateful for your support. Wishing you all the best on your journey as well!

Warm regards,

@Daniela2903 - you are spot on "Life can be so short and fast-paced, but when we take the time to share genuine love and create meaningful moments ". Keep up the good work. Have a great day.

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Daniela2903! 😃


Thank you for sharing these beautiful stories. They truly highlight the heart and soul you bring to hosting How do you maintain your own well-being and resilience to ensure you can consistently offer such support and warmth to your guests?


Your approach is truly special! 😊






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Dear @Quincy 

I would love to say that I have a perfect mantra to maintain my well-being, but the truth is, it's been a journey of learning through challenges. From sticking my foot in my mouth more times than I'd like to admit, to undergoing a thyroidectomy, facing a restaurant bankruptcy, and finally, going through a divorce after 20 years of marriage—I've slowly picked up a few lessons along the way.

Sometimes life happens, and sometimes things are beyond our control. Other times, it's our own mistakes—or as I like to call them, "must-takes." Through it all, I've learned that being genuine and vulnerable creates room for empathy, which leads to growth. Accountability works wonders too, and fully understanding that everyone is fighting a battle we don't know about helps me stay grounded. A smile, a cup of coffee, or tea can have a lasting effect on someone's day.

One thing that has kept me strong is my love for helping others. I've known dark days, and those experiences have given me a deeper understanding of how much a kind word or gesture can brighten someone’s moment. My goal is always to bring light and positivity because I know how negative feelings can weigh a person down. Connecting with people and offering warmth has been part of my healing.

And if all else fails, being in Aruba with its blue skies, warm-hearted people, and turquoise waters can recharge the soul. As for me, I find balance in practicing yoga, meditation, reading, and sometimes, just having a good cry.

@Daniela2903 -"must takes" this is a life time lesson to every human on earth. Find lost to express myself. You are an epitome of strength, love and positivity. Great to have crossed paths - thank a ton to the "festival of hospitality". Love to make mottos for life. Happy hosting 🤗💞


Your words touch me deeply, and I am truly grateful for them. This past years, months, weeks, and days.  I was held together by the love and warmth of a few dear friends and, honestly, even the kindness of strangers. We cannot navigate life alone, and I’ve learned that even in our strongest moments, we need each other. Sometimes, it’s the unexpected connections that bring us the strength and comfort we never knew we needed. Thank you for crossing my path and being part of that light, sending love and gratitude your way! Ever in Aruba, please stop by. I may not offer something fancy or classy, but I would love to share a cup of tea or coffee and show you how amazing this island truly is ❤️ 

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom


Thank you for sharing such a heartfelt reflection. It’s truly inspiring to see how you've turned your challenges into powerful opportunities for growth and empathy. Your idea of "must-takes" and the impact of small, meaningful gestures like a smile or a cup of tea really resonate.


We’re grateful to have someone with your positive and genuine energy in our community—you bring so much light and wisdom to us all!



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Level 10
Huskisson, Australia

@Daniela2903  What an enriching story you’ve shared! It's amazing how your home has become a place of friendship and unforgettable connections. As fellow hosts, we know the true power of opening our doors, not just to offer a place to stay, but to foster kindness and lasting memories.

Wishing you continued success in creating a warm, welcoming space where people can feel at home.

Laurelle from Downunder


Thank you so much for your kind words! Hosting has truly become a part of my heart and soul. It’s one of my greatest dreams to keep creating spaces where people feel welcome and connected until my very last day on this planet. Of course, there’s always more to fix and improve at my home and studios, but I trust the universe to help me find the balance to continue doing what I love. I deeply appreciate your wishes and send the same blessings your way—may your heart’s desires be fulfilled! 😊🙏


Greetings from Aruba

Top Contributor
Sintra, Portugal

Dear @Daniela2903 ,


Reading through the thread has been truly uplifting, and I appreciate the positive energy shared. When I visit Aruba, I now know where I’ll be staying. Thank you, and I wish you continued success.


As someone who believes in the value of human connection, I wanted to ask how you handle difficult guests—those who don’t seem to appreciate the personal touches and thoughtful amenities you provide. They seem to prioritize basic accommodations over the care and effort put into creating a welcoming environment. Does this ever discourage you? 

Thank you for your kind words, and I apologize for the delay in replying. I attended the LATAM Summit in Costa Rica, and my health hasn’t been optimal since returning. I’m gradually picking up the pace. Despite challenges, I remain deeply passionate about showcasing the beauty of Aruba.

To address your question, I’ve certainly had moments where difficult guests can be discouraging, particularly those who may not appreciate the personal touches or the effort put into creating a welcoming environment. I always encourage potential guests to read the listing carefully before booking. While I would love to offer more aesthetically refined apartments, what I have now is the best I can provide at the moment.

There is a specific demographic (one country in particular that loves affordable places with the decor of" millionaires") they tend books without inquiring first, and while I dread their reservations due to their high expectations, I still host them with care.

Over time, I’ve learned that you can't please everyone. What guests reflect in their feedback often says more about their expectations and needs than it does about me as a host.

It’s your listing, and you get to write your terms—whether you're someone who loves to chat or prefers solitude. One thing I can guarantee 100% is that your vibe will attract your tribe. 😉

Yes, there are times when I feel discouraged. In 2023, I was on the verge of closing my Airbnb. I even began shutting down my calendars and rented one unit long-term because I felt I wasn’t representing Aruba at a high enough standard, and I was actively looking for more renters and preparing to leave the island I was tired of hearing other property owners that I was not good enough.

My studios felt like an embarrassment to me. But in January/February, a dear friend, who is also my lawyer and advisor, noticed my sadness. He encouraged me to continue hosting on my terms, doing what I love with heart. I took his advice, reopened my calendar, and didn’t renew the long-term rental contract. Since then, I’ve been keeping it as simple, more raw, and as genuine as possible. This is what I love to do and enjoy, and I can only try my very best! Happy Hosting!

And if you’re ever in Aruba, please feel free to send me a message. I’d love to sit and chat and even share a cup of coffee, whether you book my place or not.

Despite choosing to stay and reopen my calendar, the desire to move to another destination remains. If I ever meet a host looking for a co-host in another country, I will definitely take a leap of faith. Luckily, Aruba is among the top places in the world for hospitality, so my talents will not be missed here. Our slogan says it all: One Happy Island—hospitality runs in our veins! Being born as a Dutch passport holder and speaking four languages opens many opportunities to connect with guests—not just in Aruba, but in new destinations as well.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hi @Daniela2903, I am tagging @Guy991 here so they receive a notification of your message. This way, we increase the chances of them getting back to us.
Quick tip: To tag someone, tap "@" and select the host's username from the dropdown menu 😊



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