Feeling let down by Airbnb as a Host who works really hard and cares about community

Level 1
Philadelphia, PA

Feeling let down by Airbnb as a Host who works really hard and cares about community

I am looking for other hosts to share their feelings about how Airbnb responds to our requests for help.  I have been hosting for over 5 years and have noticed a significant decline in Airbnb customer service especially when dealing with hosts.  I am watching our CEO Brian talk to us Hosts now on the Global Host Q and A.  He seems like a cool, nice and caring person but this does not translate when I call in to Airbnb.  Anyone else feel this way?  I have several examples over the past 1-2 years of disappointments dealing with Airbnb staff.  I have written in multiple times and not heard back.  Then they say to "please submit feedback" but nothing changes...


Anyway, thought I would reach out to the hosting community.  This is a really tough time for everyone now with Covid 19.  Wishing everyone is able to make it thru this safe and sound.

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