Full Refunds outside existing EC Policy

Level 1
Saint-Émilion, France

Full Refunds outside existing EC Policy

I have just received an automated message informing me of a cancellation by a guest booked to stay June 2-4, i.e. outside the existing EC policy.

To add insult to injury, the automated message also informs me the guest will receive a full refund UNDER MY CANCELLATION POLICY. We have a STRICT policy in place.

Suspecting foul play, I checked my POLICIES under BOOKING SETTINGS.

Be warned: Airbnb has added a new tier entitled Temporary Cancellation Policy! Under this unannounced addition, your cancellation policy becomes FLEXIBLE allowing a full refund for cancellations made up to 1 day before arrival – until 30 June.

I could week with frustration and outrage. Am I the only one?

10 Replies 10
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@William1274  I checked my listing, which is a private room in the US, and did not see the additional cancellation policy you describe.  Perhaps this is one of the Air BNB regional changes. 😞

Level 10
Bergen, Norway

@Linda108 @William1274 

I have listings in Norway and in France and I cannot find that there are any changes to the cancellation policies. Could it be that your guest were able to cancel under extenuating circumstances outside those of the Covid virus ?

Level 2
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

I've just stumbled on this chat and checked my listing and it has appeared as you have stated William. Within the booking settings, Policies section.  Maybe its only on listings that have a strict policy?  Mine is also strict. Thanks for pointing it out, although it does appear to be off (i.e. not green) at this time or am I reading this wrong and I need to switch it to green so it doesn't apply?!

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@William1274  Yes, I see that new option in my booking settings but it was not turned on and it says if you turn it on, you can turn it off at any time. I assume yours was turned on by default? There's no option to turn it off? As another poster said, maybe it's been turned on by default only on accounts with Strict policies? My policy has always been moderate.

Level 10
Chicago, IL

I have the new option, too, but it is off, by default. 

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@William1274  Even if the temporary policy is activated the policy that applies to bookings should be the policy in place at the time the booking was made. I suggest you go back to Customer Services and hope you get a better rep who can sort this out for you.

Level 10
Kendal, United Kingdom

@William1274 @Amanda1425 @Michelle53 @Mike-And-Jane0 @Sarah977 

It is on my settings too. It is not set, we have a strict policy and I have grabbed the screen as evidence.

Brian Chesky didn't mention this in his address to Hosts. This occurred within 24 hours of his address, possibly within 12 Hours - so why didn't it get any mention?!


temp cancel.jpg

Level 10
Kendal, United Kingdom


allowing a full refund for cancellations made up to 1 day before arrival – until 30 June


As well as maliciously changing your booking policy without your knowledge, that policy provides for Airbnb to reduce refunds to hosts from 25% to 12.5% of booking fees. Any cancellations which occur in the last week before a reservation will 'normally' receive 100% payout to Host (depending on settings). Thus, 25% IS 25%.

@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 - Nowhere does it say that @William1274 had his cancellation policy changed. I suspect its just a mistake but only William will be able to find out.


We have a strict cancellation policy BUT I have taken advantage of this new (and in my opinion) clever option as I think this level of flexibility will be needed if we are to get any bookings this Summer. With no one knowing how the virus/lockdowns will play out I think giving guests a way out makes a lot of sense.


@William1274 "the automated message also informs me the guest will receive a full refund UNDER MY CANCELLATION POLICY. We have a STRICT policy in place."


Of course the cancellation policy IS changed! Being automatically 'opted-in' to an optional cancellation policy is sure having your cancellation policy changed.


Convenient mistake, but not for @William1274 benefit.


Interesting wording in the temporary policy... "You can switch it off at any time." That almost presumes the policy to already be switched on.


Furthermore - "After that, guests can cancel up to 24 hours before check-in and get a refund of the nightly rate and the cleaning fee, but not the service fee" Airbnb are SO generous when it comes to giving away Hosts' income but that booking fee is staying in Airbnb's coffers!


Already guests are enquiring about cancelling June bookings so my feelings are that any bookings for June will just be a placebo. Possibly very easy to claim EC for transport issues for a guest, easier to get a 100% refund with this policy than with Covid-19 as it is "agreed" by Hosts. And Hosts left thinking they might have a booking until the last minute and no compensation.