Full refund extunuating circumstances

Level 1
Manila, PH

Full refund extunuating circumstances

Hi can you help me how can I full refund if I cancel the reservation to my host?

6 Replies 6

@Rochel0   Extenuating Circumstances cancellations are not issued by hosts. In most cases you have to contact Airbnb directly (see the thread "How to contact Airbnb" pinned to the top of this board) and inquire about your eligibility. They may ask for supporting documentation.



Level 10
Zürich, Switzerland


@Rochel0.. ask your travel insurer for refund.

@Mika8 That would be the best way to start the process, but these days it's common for insurers to insist that travelers use the EC cancellation policy if they're eligible for it. So the host gets screwed over either way.

Level 10
Zürich, Switzerland


@Anonymous... wow, how mean and cunning of them.


.. at the end, it's airbnb who allows to screw the hosts .. they should stop this stupid policy and  put something in place that applies when the hosts have severe problems and could not host the guests (for example house burnt down, or heavy illness) ... in these cases and if the host could not arrange something similar/better then of course full refund plus something like 20 % on top for the inconvenience for the guests to find a new place ... and for this costs probably we could find an insurance to cover it.


But from the guests side, I see now reason for the EC ... everything which is now covered by the EC would also be covered by a normal travel insurance (often even already by the credit card, with which people paid).


But anyway .. it's short-sighted from airbnb as well as from the guests to let the host bear all the costs.

@Mika8  I agree, this policy is needlessly damaging to hosts. My point was just that hosts are still going to get screwed even when guests responsibly insured their trips.


Airbnb's biggest competitors sell Cancellation Protection insurance as an optional add-on to bookings. It's long been my position that Airbnb should follow suit, but I don't know what it would take to convince them.

Level 10
Zürich, Switzerland


@Anonymous  ... airbnb has other genius ideas .. https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Help/Coronavirus-Refund-Update-Extenuating-Circumstances-March-10/m-p/1256246#M272595



probably they promote their support staff ; )