Getting fees after reservation completed

Level 2
Richmond, TX

Getting fees after reservation completed

So my guest broke all my house rules. Threw an underage party with booze and weed (have pics). They smoked in the house and I clearly have stated there would be a $500 fee if we discovered that (could smell it and found some of the weed). They also left barf in several places. And broke several things inside & outside the home without telling us (like we asked). Is it just enough to ask for this fee plus the security deposit in one go under the resolution center or do I need to separate them? I have pics of everything bc my cleaning gals are awesome. 

Top Answer
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Claiming damage on the security deposit can be done like this:


The non-smoking fee can not be considered as a damage claim,  if charging directly to the guest fails, Airbnb’s Host Guarantee will most likely not support it (as being non-physical damage)


15 Replies 15
Level 2
AC, Philippines

Pls help i need my money