როგორია თქვენი მოლოდინები წელს?
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როგორია თქვენი მოლოდინები წელს?
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What do you do when guests break house rules?
1. Guest brought unauthorized dog.
2. Guest checks in late at 1:30am instead of the 3pm to 8pm window.
3. Guest had a total of 5 guests instead of the 4 total authorized.
They are staying for 2 nights. Tonight is the first night. At this point, what can I do or say?
@Michael6575 Do and say nothing. It is too late and will just earn you a bad review and achieve nothing. NOW - When the guest leaves, assuming no damage, leave an honest but scathing review soon after they leave. They will not suspect anything and hopefully leave you a good review (if deserved)
Good idea. Question I have a $200 per night penalty for specifically having an unauthorized pet and a $750 deodorizing fee. I also have a $75 per night fee for extra guest. Assuming there was no damage and no urine from pet anymore do I just let it ride? Or at some point after they leave do I file for some fees with Air Bnb? Thoughts?
"Guest checks in late at 1:30am instead of the 3pm to 8pm window. "
So the first night is a short one !
Just suffer another night and then they are gone anyway (stick to the check-out time !)
Good point and kind of what I was thinking but I previously agreed to extend there checkout from 10am to 11:30am 🤦🏻♂️
@Michael6575 I have fond memories of vacations at the lake in the 70's.
In your review of the guest, be straightforward and NOT wordy. The review is factual, not a place to "complain". You could invoice via the AirBnB Resolution Center for the $200 pet fee and $150 for the extra guest, but you are never going to see the $750 deoderizing fee. So, IMO, your review should be that
"The guest exceeded the number of persons booked and brought an unauthorized animal. The guest is better suited to a hotel".
Thank you so much. I appreciate those view points. They are excellent.
Please make sure you click the "will not host again button" when you do the review. You don't qant them to potentially have a chance to book via Instabook, if you use that😉
100% agree. Will do!