Guest ID requirements

Guest ID requirements

I have just started my AirBnB account and set my listings ID to the default requirements. My first guest has said that when he booked AirBnB required him to submit his ID information, where his other bookings did not do so. My question is: ' Do I need to change my listing settings in some way so guests do not have to submit their ID information?' I can be reached on to follow-up as well. 



3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


It is recommended to have ID verified guests.

But you can change it:


Best regards,


Hi Emiel1. Thanks for the quick reply.  My guest said that when they booked, AirBnB asked for ID info. I did not have that in my listing settings.  He said in prior bookings,  he did not get asked for ID info. Do I need to change my settings some way?


@Anthony1176  Why would you want your guests not to have to have ID verification? Having that requirement is a security feature for you. Just because the guest said he's not had to submit that before doesn't mean you shouldn't require that of your guests. I'd be wary of a guest who refused to submit that info. Did you look to see if the guest even has any past reviews? If he doesn't, then he's likely lying about never being asked for that in past bookings, in which case, you would be ill advised to accept him as a guest.