Olá Laura, boa tarde! O Carnaval é a segunda melhor época. C...
Olá Laura, boa tarde! O Carnaval é a segunda melhor época. Como moro em uma Cidade Turística e praiana, a melhor época é a se...
Recent guest left our house smelling of pot and cigarettes, even though I have a clear no smoking policy. The entire house reaked to pot, so much that I refunded the next guest a full nights stay because the smell lingered. I also have requested money from the previous guest to cover this. I attached security camera images of them clearly smoking on the property near the doors. After the request, she messaged us in anger and admitted to smoking on the properties but it was her friends that visited
To get back at us, they left us all 1 star review and made up a bunch of garbage. They also called us racist in their public review, even though we never met them in person and were only professional with our messages.
Add up the fact they wrote in our guest book how much they loved their stay, its clear they are just trying to get even. They had even requested to extend their stay! (Which we couldnt fullfill due to next booking)
That being said, it appears this is a clear violation of a public review as it's slanderous, implies we are racist with no reason why, and clearly untrue. I've already opened a case to have the review removed. Think Ill have any issues having it removed?
Her review
versus her guest book review. Clearly getting back at us
Although there are supposed to be rules about what constitutes slander, what can and can’t be taken down, etc., it really does depends on the CS agent you get and in what mood he/she happens be in at the time. If you don’t succeed in having it taken down, at least respond, very professionally, that you are very sorry they were unhappy, especially after the glowing endorsement in your guest book and their extension request, and perhaps the discussion about the smoke and pot were contributory. Also, remember that you are not writing this to the guest, but to future potential bookers. The guest may never even see your response.
I just can't imagine someone being allowed to publicly call us racist with no backing on why and Airbnb allow that to stay public. Especially if I can prove they clearly violated the rules.
People suck.
@Andrew1043 Not everyone sucks, but it certainly can feel that way sometimes, can’t it?
Over 350 reviews and never had less than a 4 star. This one hurts
I went to your listing to read the review, because the snip you provided is too small for my old eyes. As a seasoned Airbnb guest, I wouldn't factor one negative review my decision to stay at a place.
This is advise that I give to every host. Be sure to maintain all communication with guests on Airbnb's message system, so they have a record of what was said. If you have a phone, email/text exchange with the guest, follow up a recap sent on the Airbnb message system, and ask the guest if they have any questions or comments.
I am not sure if you will be able to get the review removed, because Brittany states these are her feelings and perception, and she only implied that she thought you were racist versus calling you a racist. Good luck, it will just depend upon which CS rep you get.
@Andrew1043 . . . Unfortunately, it happens quite a bit.
@Andrew1043 I’m so sorry. Not many things ruin a day quicker than a bad guest and a bad review.
She messed up when she said that you “reviewed her in the most horrible way”. She can’t read your review before she leaves one. That makes it obvious that she’s lying. Maybe point that out to the CS agent.
@Andrew1043 Hello namesake. I don't know if you'll have any luck in getting the review removed, but I think your response to it was very professional, calm, and reassuring to guests who don't care to scroll through your hundreds of great reviews. You successfully avoided the common pitfalls of people reacting to negative or misleading feedback.
In contrast, the guest did not substantiate her accusation of racism in a way that I could relate to. I can't take her review seriously when right off the bat she's complaining about the free snacks. So while I realize that the racial issues in Alabama have deep and horrific roots, which put people easily on the defensive, I wouldn't personally be deterred by that review from booking one of your nice homes if I happened to be in your city.
@Andrew1043 "I just can't imagine someone being allowed to publicly call us racist with no backing on why"
Guess what? A guest can tell Airbnb that there were bedbugs at your place, without a shred of proof, and entirely falsely, and Airbnb will suspend your listing, tell you that you have to get exterminators in and then send them the official report, Guilty until prove innocent.
Some guests are quite savvy and will word an accusation in their review such that Airbnb can say "The guest was just expressing their own perception." Just like this guest did. I do hope you manage to get it removed, though.
Otherwise, take some solace in the fact that those types of reviews usually just serve to make the guest look bad, rather than the host, and your response and long list of good reviews make it evident that her review is simply retaliation for her disrespect.
**It happened to me recently also. That's why airbnb got rid of the profile pics. They want us hosts to have to deal with all that instead of just declining the booking. I hope you call airbnb and get them to remove the false review.
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