Hello everyone any one interested in investing in a running ...
Hello everyone any one interested in investing in a running hostel. we are hostel we are sellingA two bedroom appartment whic...
i wonder if someone could help please
A guest booked for a month , and some time later he asked to add an extra guest. I said it wasn't possible because its a small box room and a single bed
He has asked for a full refund . It's difficult for me because the booking starts in 9 days and it's unlikely that I can get that room booked . He said if he doesn't get a refund he will be 'sleeping on the streets'
I don't want to do him a wrong turn but also I don't want to be stuck for the month
I have been hosting for a while and it has been great (im superhost), but I am stuck on this one. I would be grateful for thoughts
@Simon364 If the guest booked a room with a maximum occupancy of 1, then it's unclear why they think they can add another person. Regardless, you are not going to be putting this person out to sleep on the streets - they are still perfectly welcome to stay in the room they booked and paid for, aren't they? Alone. Period. The affairs of the guest are none of your concern. If they are insistent on not staying, then they should be held to the terms of the cancellation policy they agreed to at booking. You can offer to refund if you are able to re fill the abnandoned dates. Tell them to cancel asap so you have a chance to do that.
thanks Colleen. thanks for reminding me that its my house, and he still has this bed to stay in !!!
I have already told him he needs to cancel at his end
I will remind him to this ASAP in order that I can possibly get another guest in , and i am happy to refund the amount of any guest days that are booked in that month.
I am wondering whether to offer a goodwill gesture? I don't want an angry guest staying now
I checked your listings, and can understand why your guest would think it's permissible to add another guest. Both listings have a two guest maximum and double beds. Also, they each are much larger than most box rooms that I've ever seen in the UK, and could easily accommodate two persons. Do you have some other listing? Or is there a specific reason to not allow two guests for the reservation?
The guest probably will get a full refund if they contact Airbnb, and explain that you are not allowing an alteration of the reservation to include a second person, which doesn't violate the maximum guest count. Additionally, Airbnb would process the transaction as a host cancellation, and you could receive a penalty.
Hi Debra, no there is another listing, with just a small box room
@Debra300 thanks for your kind reply
I was thinking about what you said about alteration of requests. (food for thought!)
As far as I can tell from the help page here: https://www.airbnb.co.uk/help/article/2811/what-if-ive-already-booked-but-want-to-bring-additional-g... - it would be up to me whether to accept the change request - they don't get any specific right to change the booking once i have accepted their initial booking
all the best
I was just pointing out what is likely to happen. You've read several posts here in the community where hosts have situations when CS has not abided or enforced the Airbnb policies that empower hosts. The guest can simply tell CS that they forget to list the additional guest at the time of booking, and when they tried to correct their error, you refused. Either CS will contact you, and ask that you accept the update, or just make an arbitrary decision on your behalf. Which you will not like. Good luck.
Thanks for your advice - its always good to take a 'belts AND suspenders' approach
@Simon364 Yes, you’re fine, if this guest booked the single bed/single occupancy listing, which is what I assumed was the case.
I noticed you own 3 listings. Two mention a 2 guest maximum, with extra fee for the second guest. One is for 1 guest, with single bed. Maybe the reservation can be changed to one of the 2 guest accommodations ?
The guest booked a single room for himself, having the "long term stay" cancellation policy attached. So no refund when cancelled. Also (ofcourse) not possible to add a second guest.
He will not be "sleeping on the streets', as he booked a room !
You can offer 50% refund if he cancels (to have you out of a deal with a potentially troublesome guest)
thanks for your reply. I have been through the various options with him, and have tried to be as helpful as possible. I am seeing if the current guest wants to extend - but this is turning out to be a lot of conversations with him
One other listing is booked up, and the other listing is too expensive
Now he is trying to get me to reduce the length of the booking to '5 or 10' days so he can get a refund for the rest of the time. That sounds a bit cheeky to me. This started because he said his girlfriend 'changed her mind' .
@Simon364 This sounds like a guest you will regret having stay, unfortunately. Best of luck with this. So sorry you’re getting stuck with a stinker.