Hi everyone, Is anyone else concerned that Joe Gebbia has jo...
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Hi everyone, Is anyone else concerned that Joe Gebbia has joined DOGE? Does he still earn income from Airbnb as a board membe...
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Hi, I just had Airbnb cancel the remainder of a two day reservation after I indicated the guest was involved in what we think illicit drug use and selling and had rented the Airbnb for this purpose.
I won’t go into details but Airbnb was excellent in hearing my concerns investigating the issue.
The RCMP were also involved and the guest was well known to them.
Along with the drugs and paraphernalia found in the Suite there was evidence of more than one person there. The reservation was made for one guest and in the my house rules I state only registered guests allowed. There were reports of loud music and voices during the night. Unfortunately we weren’t aware of this until the morning.
In hindsight I made a few errors in not following my gut instinct when two of her seven reviews indicated mess and a lot of trash left behind and would not host her again. I also accepted her as a last minute reservation, I have same day booking turned off and she put the request in for the following day and once I accepted it she indicated she made a mistake and wanted it for that night. She also didn’t introduce herself or indicate why she was coming to stay. I should of asked and usually do. I will definitely be more mindful with future bookings and advise other hosts the importance of this.
Looking back on her reviews I also thought odd but fits the picture of what she has been doing, she had five stays in one month in a city 6 hrs south of us. In googling this, apparently it is a trend that Airbnb or short term rental places are used as a drug lab and to then distribute. Once done they are out of there.
I did receive my full payout and Airbnb in their final email to me said
“Again, thank you for the time you took to report this incident. We’ve taken appropriate action to further protect the community, and it wouldn’t have happened without you.”
I had asked that her account be suspended but understand without actual proof they may not do this. I am not sure this is the case when Airbnb is saying appropriate action. I would hope they may have corresponded with the RCMP to assist in their investigation.
I am hesitant in writing a review for her now, thinking I will just mark one star for all and be brief in saying I would definitely not host her again. I am not sure if appropriate to discuss the drug use and alleged selling . We have photos of the state the suite was left in with the drugs and paraphernalia on the table. Other drugs were in toilet, we think an attempt to flush. Empty liquor bottle and cooler cans strewn all over the floor. My coffee pot was disassembled and on stove with a frying pan as they were trying to “cook” the drugs I have been told.
We live in a small town and I fear possible retaliation if I call her out on this leaving a public review.
I do want to warn future hosts though.
Thanks in advance any advice on leaving an appropriate review.
@Alison564 Ugh. So sorry you had this experience, but very glad you found resolution with Airbnb. That’s uncommon. You are correct with everything you’ve written. However re “ I would hope they may have corresponded with the RCMP to assist in their investigation”....no, Airbnb do not take these things that seriously, unfortunately.
Leave a simple “would not host again” or “cannot recommend” and 1 stars across the board. I doubt very much this individual will leave you a review, but do yours on the last day possible, to avoid triggering her review, which may be retaliatory.
Thanks @Colleen253 yes I think that would be the best solution. As much as I would like to indicate in the review what led to a negative review but in the end not worth it.
@Alison564 What a terrible situation. I know you will listen to your intuition and not ignore any bad reviews in the future.
Mention of drugs, etc. will lead to your review being removed. Normally I like to see hosts leave informative reviews, but with these types of sketchy guests who may be local, you have to think of your safety first, so "Would not host again" is quite adequate.
@Alison564 I've seen thousands of Airbnb user profiles and have to say, it's extraordinarily rare for an active member to have even one unequivocally negative review as a guest. Many reasons behind that - most guests behave themselves reasonably well, and when they don't, plenty of hosts hold back for fear of retaliation, and when a host doesn't hold back, the profile is basically burned and the guest either creates a new one or books accommodation via other sites.
This person has two negative reviews already, which is basically the horror-guest equivalent of a hat trick. Even if you decide not to review, any host who is paying attention has already been warned. There are many out there who will accept a booking even when it has more red flags than a Soviet military parade, and if this guest's profoundly dubious record doesn't deter them, I don't know what will. Your guest surely had at least two warnings in life that the drug stuff could have a bad outcome, but she made her own choices and took her own risks. Perhaps in hindsight, you can relate, considering that you chose to take that booking.
Thanks @Anonymous I feel more confident now that hosts will stay away from this one with three negative reviews without me going into detail. “Would not host again”as @Sarah977 @said in previous post would speak volumes.
And yes I hope not to repeat that mistake, in almost two years of hosting it was the first time having a horror guest.