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Welcome to the Community Center! I'm @Eli...
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Hello everyone!
Welcome to the Community Center! I'm @Elisa , one of the Community Managers for our English Community Cent...
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Have an issue with a guests who has allowed around 22 overnight visitors to stay. Around 6 who have stayed just 1 night. Most
carrying large backpacks. I could tell 1/2 were family members while others are in vacation. Apartment is deemed for
max of 4 people. On check-in date they had 5 people, with one saying he was going to be leaving around 6pm and not staying
overnight. Other times I have video of 5 or more staying. I have been reluctant to report this to Airbnb, however, after 2 warnings
and talk, the guest now says they are leaving tow for 3 or 4 days and will allow other guests to stay there while they are gone to
take care of their pet. I am not sure the apartment manage who manages my building put an unregistered guess clause or not.
What recourse or actions can I take? I didn't mind having them staying, however, more I know about them, it seems like they got
booted out of their Airbnb stay for having too many guests, and now resorting to playing by their game of stating only family
members have been staying here, when in fact video evidence clearly indicates multiple 1 night stays for vacation purposes.
Thank you.
What do your house rules say about unregistered visitors?
Regardless, overnight guests who are not on the booking and over the maximum occupancy are clearly not allowed. If anything goes wrong, you will not be covered by Airbnb.
Personally, I would want these guests out ASAP. Having 22 unregistered overnight stays is outrageous.
Either you have to get stricter with them, telling them that having unregistered guests is strictly against Airbnb rules and that they need to stop or leave. Contact Airbnb and tell them what is going on and ask for them to do a cancellation that is penalty free to you.
I initially felt sorry for them as one of the registered guest is going through cancer treatment, however, all those people coming in and out are not wearing masks. Also, the registered male guest keeps denying no 1 night stay guests, and no violation of 4 people rule, even though, our video shows at around 4 or 5 nights of more than 4 people were staying there. Are there Airbnb rule in regards to registered guests allowing someone to stay at the unit for 3 or 4 days without the registered guests physically being there? The guests are stating that someone(most likely 4 people) will be staying while they are gone to take care of their pets? Our building manager has warned them few times, even asking them if they are subletting. It's also a long-term rental(2 months).
Yes, I believe technically there is such a rule and it would fall under third party bookings (guest who made the booking must stay), although I am not sure how strictly Airbnb enforce this, as they have sometimes told me it's up to me if I want to allow it or not. The difference is, you didn't accept the booking on the agreement that other people would stay while the guest who booked was not there.
See: https://www.airbnb.co.uk/help/article/427/booking-for-friends-and-family
and https://www.airbnb.co.uk/help/article/1311/booking-trips-for-someone-else
These guests are trying to walk all over you. I would not be willing to put up with this at all. It is ad that the guest is going through cancer treatment, but that might not even be true. I guess you have to give him the benefit of the doubt on that, but it seems like he is trying to take advantage of you.
It's registered under our building manager. It's in San Francisco. I'm also worried about neighbors
complaining to city about unusual number of people coming in and out of our building.
Although, it's a long-term rental(2 months). Thank you.
PS @Norm584 make sure you keep all of the video evidence (I trust the CCTV cameras are disclosed on your listing because, if not, that could cause you problems with Airbnb) to submit to prove that this guest is breaking your agreement and rules.