One of the things I love about hosting is creating special m...
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One of the things I love about hosting is creating special moments for my guests. Sometimes, it’s the little unexpected touch...
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Hi all
I had the unfortunate problem of a rat getting into my house recently (well, that's what the guest claims, we still haven't caught anything). There's a debate whether the guest can leave a review or not. So far, the system is NOT allowing me to leave the guest a review so I can only assume that they cannot leave me one. A few years ago, the guest could not leave a review if they cancelled, some are saying you can still leave a review, as a guest.
Don't just tell me, show me the correct answer... links please...
Thank you!
@Rosa2878 Thanks for assuming that I assumed you aren't an experienced host.
I assumed no such thing. I actually looked at your profile before responding and saw you've had tons of reviews and have been hosting for a long time.
I simply asked why you would doubt the word of experienced hosts who have found this to be true.
Don't read things into what others have to say that was never said.
I would agree that if the booking has entirely disappeared from your transaction and booking history, then the reviews wouldn't be possible. But why it disappeared is a question. You think it's because the guest was fully refunded? Possibly- I've never had a guest cancel after arrival, so have no personal experience to draw from.
Just in case you were curious:
As of this morning.....
A "Write a Review" Message popped up today as well as an Airbnb support message who said the following:
Nov 26, 2021
Airbnb Support 11:43 AM
Look on the Airbnb Help website and it will tell you a guest can leave a review from the day of their check in regardless of whether they cancel or not . @Rosa2878
@Rosa2878 Hi Rosa, I don't have a link but I did have a guest book a same day booking and then she cancelled 2 hours later, without checking in. We were both prompted by Airbnb to leave a review exactly 24 hours after she cancelled. I posted a screenshot for you if that helps
That wasn't my situation. But thank you for responding.
As of this morning.....
A "Write a Review" Message popped up today as well as an Airbnb support message who said the following:
Nov 26, 2021
Airbnb Support 11:43 AM
Rosa, it is not possible to provide you with current 'factual links' relating to the review process because Airbnb have progressively removed much of the protocols for reviewing from the official help guides over the years. I have a screenshot of the requirements for leaving a review back in 2016 but, it is no longer relevant so there is no point in me posting it!
Nowhere in the help guides or the TOS will you find an answer for the question you have asked so please do not criticise us for not providing the information you require, we are trying to help!
All I can state to you is that from midnight (local time) on the day of the stay both host and guest (at the conclusion of the stay) will be offered the opportunity to leave a review, whether the stay has taken place or not. Here is a screenshot of a recent cancellation that took place on the day of the stay......
The stay was scheduled to take place for one night on the 8th, it did not proceed and on the 9th a prompt to review popped up in the message stream!
If you have not been prompted to leave a review it may be because the scheduled end of the stay has yet to transpire.....the automated system could be assuming the stay is still underway and the review trigger point has not been activated.
What I can't tell you is what happens if Airbnb cancels a reservation in progress for some reason.
Only you will be able to discover that as time goes along. Once this situation resolves itself it would be appreciated if you could revisit us here and recount your experience for the benefit of all of us!
Good luck.
Thank you!
Thank you, Robin.
As of this morning.....
A "Write a Review" Message popped up today as well as an Airbnb support message who said the following:
Nov 26, 2021
Airbnb Support 11:43 AM
@Rosa2878 every once in a while post like yours comes along. People demand that we tell them we’re sorry about how they feel. There’s been multiple jokes made about that on this forum. I think your therapist might be best equipped to do that. Also, you are on a discussion form. We discussed things. You can not demand that we do all the homework up finding appropriate links for you but we don’t dare insert our opinion. Going forward, just assume that we’re helping you out on our own time because we do feel sorry for how you feel and allow people to say what they want, read through the comments and I promise you’ll find a lot of useful information. You can then follow up by asking for a link
Please, get over yourself.
Yes, I made a mistake.... believe me, if I could EDIT the post I would!! I did not mean for it to sound demanding!! I'm sorry if it's offending people, please delete it.
A "Write a Review" Message popped up today as well as an Airbnb support message who said the following:
Nov 26, 2021
Airbnb Support 11:43 AM
@Rosa2878 Well, if you received a message to review, I would bet the guest did, too. So Gabriel's advice not to review because the guest cancelled may be bad advice. Because if the guest received a notice to review, he could post a review saying your place is infested with rats.
Gabriel's response about what "should" be is immaterial if you received a notice to review. Because it obviously didn't work as it "should".
Typical useless CS response, which clarifies nothing.
BTW, when someone is following a thread, there's no need to keep posting the same response to all- we get a notification that a new response has appeared on the thread, so we can read it, regardless of whether it was tagged to us.
@Rosa2878 Lol, it’s just as I said. The opposite of whatever customer circus says is true.