Guest canceled due to rat situation, can they review?

Guest canceled due to rat situation, can they review?

Hi all


I had the unfortunate problem of a rat getting into my house recently (well, that's what the guest claims, we still haven't caught anything).  There's a debate whether the guest can leave a review or not.  So far, the system is NOT allowing me to leave the guest a review so I can only assume that they cannot leave me one.   A few years ago, the guest could not leave a review if they cancelled, some are saying you can still leave a review, as a guest.


Don't just tell me, show me the correct answer... links please...


Thank you!



31 Replies 31
Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

@Rosa2878  I am 95% sure that the content of the message from Airbnb is wrong.  Guests who cancel any time from the day of their check in can leave reviews.  Was this the day they were originally scheduled to check out?  As others said, if you got a message reminding you to review so did your guest.

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Rosa, if you have been offered the ability to leave a it!

I say that because, if your guest leaves a review of you, and you don't review them you will not be offered the ability to leave a public response to their review. Can you understand what I am saying?

By leaving a review you leave the option open to dispute what ever the guest may say, and your comments will appear directly below their review on your profile. If you don't review that guest you do not get the opportunity to respond to any comments the guest said in their review!


But, think about what you will say.....remember your review says as much about you as it says about the guest. Be as diplomatic as you can and try not to make future review readers see you as a brittle host and not one to be tangled with! 

