Guest cancelled leaving negative review


Guest cancelled leaving negative review

Hi all. I would appreciate your advice on an unpleasant experience with my last guests. Booking and communications went perfectly well prior to their arrival and all seemed fine. However, on entering my apartment they were noticeably shocked to see a cat, saying that as the woman was pregnant it wouldn't have been their choice. They challenged me on this and I explained it was in the description and my cat featured on my listing's photos. After the usual introduction to the area and so on, they came to see me and said they had found cat hair on the bed. I was slightly embarrassed because I take pains to maintain good cleanliness (as proven by my track record as a host) but was understanding of her desire to cancel. I left them alone to try to rebook another place in the bedroom I had made up for them. They left without saying goodbye (after being in the apartment for approximately 1 hour max) and subsequently left me a two star rating. In the review they failed to mention their own error in booking and heavily criticised my cat's movements and the hygiene of the place. I didn't leave them a review as they had not stayed in my place for more than the hour or used and facilities.  This was despite the fact I lost out on the best part of a week's income. On reflection, I might have left a review about their lackadaisical approach to booking. The maths behind their two star rating is also faulty as overall the individual scores average 3.5! Is it fair that such a low overall score can be given in this way? Also, what can I do about the unfair review?


Your suggestions would be much appreciated. 



Top Answer
Level 10
СПБ, Russia



It's clear in your listing there is a cat. In the rules that must be acknowledged before booking - 


Pet(s) live on property — We have a cat called Arnie.


Plus picture number two has Arnie on the balcony.


Probably you could have written a public response to the review to defuse, although it's passed the deadline now.

Going forward, I think you have enough good reviews in the bank that most reasonable potential future guests will overlook the cat review or it will not be so prominent as new reviews supersede it.

You overall rating is 4.83 so one cranky score won't have much impact, don't dwell on it, it's just an occupational hazard as is the odd malcontented guest.


Have a word with Arnie about his shedding though.





3 Replies 3
Level 10
Lincoln, Canada

@Chloe275 I have reviewed your listing, and for the life of me I can't find any mention of your cat. I see two pics that include parts of the cat: on one, you can see the top half, and on the other, only the bottom poking out from under a table. Maybe I'm missing something, but looking at your listing, I would think it would be fairly easy to miss. I would consider making it clearer.


The overall rating is given by the guest as a separate entry: it's not an average of all the other star ratings in the other categories. A guest could give a host 5 stars in every category and two stars overall.


Under the circumstances, I would write a short, professional response to the review, stating that the cat is mentioned and pictured in your listing and apologizing that it was missed by the guest.

Level 10
СПБ, Russia



It's clear in your listing there is a cat. In the rules that must be acknowledged before booking - 


Pet(s) live on property — We have a cat called Arnie.


Plus picture number two has Arnie on the balcony.


Probably you could have written a public response to the review to defuse, although it's passed the deadline now.

Going forward, I think you have enough good reviews in the bank that most reasonable potential future guests will overlook the cat review or it will not be so prominent as new reviews supersede it.

You overall rating is 4.83 so one cranky score won't have much impact, don't dwell on it, it's just an occupational hazard as is the odd malcontented guest.


Have a word with Arnie about his shedding though.





Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Chloe275  I would put a note in your listing in addition to the other mentions. "I have a cat- "PLEASE DO NOT BOOK THIS LISTING IF YOU HAVE ALLERGIES OR DON'T LIKE CATS." Also mention in your messaging with guests when they book.

It's a drag when guests don't read through everything, but even discounting the not-aware issue, I'd be seriously turned off to find cat hair on the bed and cancel as well. I would suggest you keep the cat out of the Airbnb rooms altogether, even when you don't have guests in residence.