Guest cancels in the middle of stay


Guest cancels in the middle of stay

I have a guest wanting to cancel  in the middle of a month long stay due to circumstances.  Any tips on how to issue them a refund and open up my calendar again?  

Top Answer
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



You can shorten the reservation to the date guest is leaving ("change" option on the reservation) and amend the price in the change form to what you consider a fair deal.

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



You can shorten the reservation to the date guest is leaving ("change" option on the reservation) and amend the price in the change form to what you consider a fair deal.

Good information, thank you!

Level 10
Lusby, MD

@Arnie89 When someone books for 28 days or more, you are paid whether they leave or stay. You don't owe them a refund.  

Thanks,  I've only had to consider this once.  I had a booking for a 30 day stay.  The guy was a bit flaky right from the start, several times wanting to change the dates etc and also changing the story of why he was renting.  Originally it was for himself and spouse and mother in law.  When the dates came he came alone, with no one else.  In retrospect I suspect marriage problems.  Anyway, after a few days he started complaining that he was getting headaches from all the cat dander! There has never been a cat or any animals ever in the unit and I politely let him know that.  So then he says that is even more worrisome because it must mean the house is infested with mold.  Again, no way possible.  I sensed he was wanting out of his commitment and he was flaky enough that I didn't want hassles or false bad reviews or anything so I preempted and said if the house isn't to your satisfaction here is an offer to cut your visit short and he took it and checked out.  I am actually glad I did.  I haven't had problems with anyone else since and it seems to get steady rentals and use.