I'M JUST VENTING... Crazy situation. Last Minute Booking. Guest came and did a walk through, then Ghosted, (Im sitting right here in the back)... soon after I get a message from Airbnb claiming that the the guest claimed that the listing was dirty and smelled like fish (Which is why I know she ghosted because AirBnb sent a message), but the guest, didn't provide any proof. So I sent 50 Photos of everything showing that the guests were lying.
AirBnb rep sends the guests the photos that I took, rep now claims that since the guest never actually cancelled the reservation, its not an "official cancellation" and now the guests want to come back. (I do not allow guests back after Cancelling). The rep also said that; since I won't allowing the Guests (Lying or Not) back into the property then IM THE ONE WHO IS "OFFICIALLY CANCELLING" the reservation and I wont get to keep the Cancellation fee.
I believe in Karma and I normally DO NOT keep booking fees if the guest cancels, I just refund them and move on with life, but what frustrates me is that I was here with the guest and the guest could have easily told me that they didnt like it. I would have gladly gave them a refund without hesitation, LIKE I ALWAYS DO. But NO!, they sneak out like they robbed a bank. But no they dont show me the courtesy or respect to ask me directly for a refund. That REALLY ticked me off. I prefer to handle cancellations betwen us instead of getting a 3rd party involved it just easier and cleaner and I dont need to worry about a bad review.
I was also in the process of negotiating with another guest who had stayed here before, when this guest booked the property. Since it was a last min booking, I gave her the address and told them to come by and view the property before they booked it, (because I don't want my days blocked in case they don't like it), I also don't want a bad review. BUT NO SHE HAD TO BOOK IT (FOMO: FEAR OF MISSING OUT)!! After 9 years I can smell a cancellation, based on experience and intuition.
After doing this for 9 years, I know exactly how these bookings work out and exactly what I was afraid of happening, IS HAPPENING all because the guest 1.) Booked it, after I told her don't book it, just come by. 2.) Certain groups of women are notorious for cancelling without any solid reason for cancelling. 3.) The Airbnb rep would some how find a way to blame me for the cancellation and the guest would get a refund anyway. 4.) The reps shift ends and now i'm in No mans land.
So now my days are blocked, and ive been sitting here, for 6 hrs trying to get something resolved that could have easily been avoided. BUT BLAMING ME, I thought I heard every AirBnb reps excuse in the book, but this takes the cake. I'm somehow at fault here because the guest decided to Lie and make up Fairy tales. Lol You can't make this up!