Guest lied (on their profile) about where they were from.

Guest lied (on their profile) about where they were from.

Hi - am new to hosting (have had 4 guests so far)


They are all still here -- how do I get rid of them?  just joking of course.


On a more serious note, not sure if I am over thinking the following guest "problem"...


My most recent guest was absolutely fine except that when she booked, she lied on her profile as to where she was from -- Her profile claimed she was from a foreign country when in fact she was from a city in a nearby state. I discovered this when she arrived as I asked how her flight was. She said she just liked to mess with people. 


I tried to report this matter to AirBnB support through their terrible HelpBot (or whatever it is called).


Anycase, not a crisis or even a big deal this time but it does raise the question of safety and honesty.


Am I over reacting? Anybody dealt with this before?



3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


It happens a lot, mostly the profile is not updated on this subject.

So never rely on it, but ask if it is important for your decision.


hi - thanks for the input; in this instance it was not an outdated profile; the guest lied about where she was from. Simply dishonest and not funny (though she thought it was). Anycase, I guess I will query guests who are coming from "unusual" places,

Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada



Lots of guests don't update profiles, we had guests from Russia with a Toronto Canada cell phone #.   They were some of my best guests.  Ask the questions, if your gut feeling is negative, decline them.  However, in your current situation, as a host, I would be concerned about what your guest is lying about.  Be cautious and watch closely is what I would do.