Guest requested reservation cancellation

Guest requested reservation cancellation

Hoping someone has an answer.
We were recently contacted by Airbnb mentioning that a guest is requesting to cancel their 3 month stay after only being there 3 weeks claiming false excuses. The guest never reached out to us directly. We reluctantly agreed to cancel with a fee, 24hr to checkout and that our dates be unblocked. Once the guest checked out we found the place a complete mess with damage to the property as well as the furniture.
The main issue we have right now is with Airbnb support. Not only are the dates are still blocked off the calendar but Airbnb basically told us that they are not liable if the guest doesn’t pay the penalty for the early cancellation. We’ve reached out to Airbnb a numerous times to no avail, meanwhile our dates are blocked off for the next 2 months.
Any suggestions?

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Paris, France


I am so sorry to hear that.

If I were in your situation, I will duplicate a new listing to replace the main listing.

To assume the new listing calendar are up to date, publishing immediately and open for new booking. 

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Dale711  Duplicate listings are against the TOS. **

**[Inappropriate comment removed in line with the Community Center Guidelines]

Level 10
Paris, France




Of course, host are not allowed to have the 2 active  listing visible in the Airbnb announcements.



Duplicate the present listing to a new one and snooze the listing which the calendar were blocked.

Excuse me, I might not describe it clear.


The duplication is technically possible, but you have to snooze the old listing. You cannot have 2 listings visible for the same accommodation.


@Sarah977 ,**

Therefore, it is a common  sense for the host to snooze the first listing and duplicate the new one to allow other guest to make the booking in the calendar.


Nevertheless, what is your “positive perspective” ?   


**[Inappropriate comment removed in line with the Community Center Guidelines]

I assume that by snoozing the first listing, I can say goodbye to collecting any money for the damage caused or the early cancellation?

@James-and-Penni0 Snoozing a listing just takes it off the search pages, so no one can book it or send you requests or inquiries. It's still an active listing ( as in not delisted), it's just not publicly active or visible. 


Many hosts will snooze their listing if they are going on holiday and won't be available to answer messages, for instance.