Guest scam?

Level 2
Salem, OR

Guest scam?

I recently got an auto translated message from a potential guest. The guest is requesting to book for two months, and sent a message asking how long he and his guests could rent for. 

The account is new as of July 2022, and it has no reviews.


Has anyone run into this? We are brand new to hosting and it feels a little fishy.



2 Replies 2
Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada



You will likely get intp a tenancy/squatter issue.


I don't  remt for more than 14 days.


Search (above) this DB for longterm rentals and you will find a multitude of issues and concerns about longterm rentals.



Thanks @M199 for your response. Enough questions and it became clear he was a scammer. I like your recommendation of 14 days and think I will update my profile with that change.