A little FYI: on a thread in early January, some of us Non-Instant Book hosts started noticing that we were able to see guests' star ratings. [This, of course, is only right and proper – why wouldn't we get to see the star ratings, given that we contribute to this info? However, they had previously only been visible to hosts who used Instant Book.]
Opinion was divided as to whether this was a glitch or a deliberate change...
Anyhoo, I've been keeping my beady eye on it, checking regularly to see if the stars remained visible... So far, about 5 weeks on, they've remained. Of course, this doesn't mean they won't get taken away again!
Do have a look for yourselves, they're showing up for all of my past guests. I'm not hosting currently, so not getting the full benefit, if there is any benefit to guest star ratings – opinion is divided there as well 😉 (But sweet to see that all of my previous guests had 5 stars!)