What are other folks doing about this devastating developmen...
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What are other folks doing about this devastating development. I don’t want to support DOGE but leaving Airbnb will be a hard...
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I am new to hosting and currently have my first guests. They are kind and generally low maintenance, but they have now asked me to switch off the modem at night because of their concerns about electro magnetic radiation. While I am sympathetic to their concerns (although I have serious doubts about whether their concerns are based on fact and science, but I'll leave that aside), I cannot switch off the modem because other people living at the premises also need to use the modem.
Their alternative is to get a router shield (basically a steel cage) for the modem (at their own cost) and to install it. A router shield blocks off most of the modem's signal (effectively rendering it useless to the residents who are not concerned about EMR).
Essentially, this is a request I cannot concede to.
They have a long term reservation (split into two reservations, the second of which I have yet to be paid for).
What are my options and possible repercussions on Airbnb if I do not accede to this request?
If they decided to leave now, would I have to refund them for the balance of their current reservation (even though I dispute the validity of the reason should they cancel)?
@Emile69 The issue they claim to have does not qualify as a refundable Travel Issue under the Guest Refund Policy. So in theory, if they wanted to cancel purely on the basis of their phobia, the cancellation policy would apply as normal.
But in practice, it's not hard for guests to make up a complaint that does qualify for an exemption, if they really want to get out of the booking. If a dispute gets ugly, they could claim to have found bedbugs, or tested positive for Covid, and get a refund while also getting your listing suspended. Or they could decide to stay but make your life miserable with escalating complaints and paranoia - even potentially costing you the goodwill of the other guests.
These people may not be that malicious, but even so, it sounds like it would be better for everyone involved if these people found somewhere else to stay. Offering to refund the balance would make that a lot easier.
Hi @Emile69 and thanks for asking about something I'd not considered before, but I do know a little bit more about now!
As the basics of Wi-fi would appear to be the same/at the same level, I can only assume that any EMR may be increased, but not necessarily detrimentally to any user, by the bandwidth one's router or modem operates at, whether 3G, 4G, 5G or any newer technology, although only information from learned sources that have already investigated people's concerns should be consulted, as the alternative might mean incorrect information being distributed, leading to possible paranoias.
That the World Health Organisation (WHO) has already conducted tests, and presented a report regarding EMR is something I hadn't been aware of (q.v. https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/radiation-electromagnetic-fields ) any more than that (here in the UK) our own Government has a webpage relating to EMR (q.v. https://www.hse.gov.uk/radiation/nonionising/electro.htm)
Leading me to both of those sites was an interesting article by one of our leading UK Newspapers, and which lays out the situation re Wi-Fi, as opposed to other items in and around one's own home, as well as in others' homes, offices, factories, and elsewhere (qv https://www.theguardian.com/technology/askjack/2012/sep/27/wi-fi-health-risks) please do note however that the latter article is now 10years old, and the WHO's, 5years old, so there may be more recent learned reports available.
Yes, it is extremely difficult when Guests' raise concerns that do or might affect them, but where what Guests' want something to be put in place to protect themselves, but to the detriment of others', whether that curtails others' usage of products, or affects others' own health, one - I would suggest - needs to take more learned advice than I can provide.
In one sense, Airbnb needs to have positive guidance on this issue, but in another sense, one has to query "why", your Guests' didn't raise their concerns and wishes BEFORE they booked to stay at your place, more especially as I'm sure you will have mentioned that you have Wi-fi on your premises?
The real question here isn't so much about anyone's health, or concerns, as if any of us have such concerns, then not only would (or should) individuals find out for themselves whether places they intend to go (visit, stay, shop, etc) will already be to their desired requirements, and if the latter wouldn't be, then if they then visit, stay, shop, etc at the venue, they have to abide by whatever is in place, but the real question related to the rights of the individual, as for you to comply with the Guests who raised their delayed request, everyone else would be denied usage of something for which might be one of the main reasons they booked your place!
Put another way, by your acceding to one Guests requirements, may well see you losing all if your other Guests for the opposite reason!
As to refunding anyone, surely the onus should be on the Guests to have taken steps prior to their stay as to whether any concerns on their part should have been aired/asked about, and if questions weren't asked, then I cannot see how a or any Host could it should be held responsible for Guests' failures (of course, if Hosts' feel that Guests' should receive some compensation for an early departure, then that would be up to the Host to communicate to Airbnb)
Hmmm... The guest wants the host to protect them from potentially harmful WiFi radio signals at the expense of all others? Is that right?
What do they do when walking down the street? Or going into a shop? Or having lunch in a restaurant? Do they ask for a "shield"?
Per the research offered above, this seems a bit like asking the host to provide super glue, in case the earth loses gravity during their stay. Sure, you may fear this, but it's not the host's responsibility to "protect" you from it, nor can they.
And... What other issues or phobias might this particular guest have? And what other things will the host be asked to provide to "protect" them from it?
Tell them you have a high power 5G tower just outside the window. That should cause a quick cancel.
@Emile69 unfortunately your space is not a fit for this guest. I would say that gently and ask if they would be willing to cancel.
"HI guest. I understand your concern about the modem but am unable to accommodate this request. I wish you the best in finding a place to stay that will fit your needs and understand if you will need to cancel this reservation. Thanks!"
We can't accommodate people with allergies or sensitivity to pet dander, scented items etc. Though I'm sure there are bookings we miss out on, we don't want miserable guests. Best to let them find the best match for their needs 🙂
@Emile69 I agree with what others have said. These guests are likely to have many issues.
You could offer tin foil hats! Just kidding!!
Advise you cannot accommodate this request and they might be better off elsewhere. Refund the remainder of their stay. Have them cancel this one and the next reservation. Everyone will be happier. Yikes!!
@Emile69 I sympathize with you, these are guests with needs.
1. EMRs are in wall outlets. Turn off the electricity.
2. EMRs are in appliances. Remove the refrigerator, microwave and electric kettle.
3. EMRs and (gasp) radium are in clocks and radios. Remove them.
4. Cars....OMG....
Let the guests know that you have enjoyed their stay. Wish them well, and suggest that they find a place that is more to their liking. Ask them to cancel the second part of their stay so that you can authorize a refund for that second booking.
(You are now asked to submit your story for @Laura2592 's coffee table book).
I've had a share of horrible guests. However, never as blatantly preposterous as these guests. I'm so sorry that you're having this kind of situation.
"Thank you so much for bringing this concern to my attention. There is absolutely no way that we will be able to deactivate the modem at any time during your stay. Let us know if you have any further questions. We are here to help!"
THE END. And see what they say/do next. There's a small chance they might actually just shut up.
In the event they squirm and continue to be awful, I would take the general advice above.
Sorry this has happened to you on your first guest stay.
Besides what others have said above, WiFi is clearly stated as an amenity of the home page of your listing. If guests have a problem with it (never heard this one before), they should have booked a listing without WiFi. It's like a guest who books a listing with pets/pet friendly listing and then expects the host or other guests to leave the dog outside at night because they are scared of it.
Anyway, it would be good to have an update. What did you do in the end?
Sorry you got this early on. There are a great many people here in California who believe they are sensitive to EMF. @Huma0 so it is not uncommon. I've encountered people from the UK and some EU countries who also say they are sensitive. Just be aware that these people exist and are going to have to look harder to find a place they are comfortable with.
Fair enough, but then I would suggest those people don't book shared listings where turning off the WiFi would cause problems to others.
Helen @744 Emile I would suggest to your guest that they should have brought their own tin foil hat but that tin foil is available in the kitchen if they wish to make their own .but maybe if not they could move the bed to face north south thus aligning the rays ."always here to help" H.It is sometimes better to be a little crazier than your guests that does tend to help them focus on what is really wrong and possibly to decide to leave for whatever real reason they have and to stop pulling your leg as you are pulling ours.H.