As a graphic designer, I believe that design is a powerful t...
As a graphic designer, I believe that design is a powerful tool for communication and storytelling. With a lot's of experienc...
Hi Everyone,
I'm looking for insight into the best way forward with this situation.
We have an area rug underneath the dining table. It looks nice, but only cost about $125.
Our last group of guests somehow burned 2 spots in the rug. One is about the size of a quarter, the other is smaller. I don't believe they were smoking. They did leave behind a lot of balloons and wrapping paper, so my guess is that it is from a candle? (Although I don't see any wax)
We will need to replace the rug.
I haven't dealt with a claim through Airbnb before.
My initial reaction is to reach out to the guest, and ask them to pay. If I get no response from them, then to make a claim through Airbnb.
Is that the best way to proceed? Thoughts? Ideas? Insight?
By the way, as part of our checkout process we ask guests to alert us if anything is stained, broken, or needs replacing. They never mentioned anything.
Thanks 🙂
For a start make yourself familiar with the (strict !) procedure for claiming damages:
What do i do if my guest breaks something in my place
Thank you! That's helpful. I guess I'll go this route.
@Dean-And-Stacey0 Depending on when your next guests are arriving you might want to do your review before you ask the guest for damages in the hope they will reciprocate and give you a review before you have to get into the $$.
@Mark116 Thank you. She actually wrote her review right away. I haven't written hers yet, so I'm not sure what she said?
@Dean-And-Stacey0 It doesn't matter what she said. Reviews are blind and intended to be honest. So write your honest review and submit it so they will both get published. Then charge her for the damage. If you try to charge her before you submit your review, she could still edit her review.
Off topic, but I have to say- I can't understand the logic of having a rug under a dining table where people can drop food. Isn't it a lot easier to clean a floor than a rug?
@Dean-And-Stacey0we had this happen. We didn't pursue damages. I was disheartened by my discussion with Airbnb so I dropped it But I was advised that I would have to prove the damage was done by this guest (have a picture of the entire rug without damage that had either a date stamp or metadata that it was directly before check in) and a receipt that showed the value of the rug. I had no picture showing the rug spot of damage before and after though I did have a pic that showed the rug. I had purchased my rug online so I did have that info I could pull up. Basically Airbnb said that if the guest disputed my request they would not decide in my favor without undeniable proof. So I just moved the rug to have the burnt spot covered by the sofa. Some day someone is sure to complain that they found a tiny burn hole in my rug....